Chapter 4

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The next morning, Betty was woken up by the sun shining through jugheads thin curtains. She sighed and stretched her arms out, careful not to wake her sleeping boyfriends. She gently got out of bed and went straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. She noticed that it was bright and sunny outside and decided to go for a run; she changed into workout clothes and grabbed her phone before leaving the trailer...

When her run was over, she was back in the trailer, having a shower. She washed her hair and changed into jugheads sweatshirt with some panties and went straight back to the bedroom where she was surprised to see both her boyfriends awake and sat up in bed. "Good morning!" She chirped, drying her hair with a towel. "Good morning, where were you?" Archie asked as he pulled her onto the bed. "I went for a run, it's a really nice day" she explained. "You should've woken us, we could have come with you" jug said, kissing her. "I was okay" Betty shrugged. "So what shall we do today?" Betty asked, leaning back against them. "We don't have to do anything, we have the whole weekend to chill" jug grinned. "Sounds amazing" Betty sighed, happily. "I need coffee" Archie said, breaking the comfortable silence they were in and jug chuckled. "Me too, how about we make some breakfast?" Jug suggested as they stood up. Betty squealed when Archie picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her out the room and putting her on the couch. "Want some breakfast baby?" He smiled, pecking her lips. "Can i have some cereal please?" She asked and he nodded. "Of course!" He said and joined jughead in the kitchen to make them all breakfast.

Later on in the day, they were all watching a movie when jugheads phone buzzed with a text. He holed his phone out, reading the message then groaned. "What's up babe?" Archie asked. "It's Sweetpea, he needs something at the wyrm" jug said. Jughead was still serpent prince, FP being the king, and Archie and Betty were loved by the serpents they just weren't officially part of them. "You can go" Betty said. "But we were supposed to have the whole weekend to us" jug sighed. "It's only a few hours" Betty smiled, squeezing his hand. "She's right, anyway I need to check in at the community centre" Archie added. "Betts? What about you?" Jug asked, looking at her. "I'll go with arch and you can meet us at the community centre after and we can grab pops and come back here" she said and jug nodded. "Okay, I'll be back as soon as I can!" Jug said, kissing both of them before leaving the trailer. When he was gone, Archie stood up and held his hands out for Betty, pulling her off the couch. "Why dont you go and get dressed, then we'll head out" he smiled and Betty nodded, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him softly. "I love you" he smiled, resting his forehead on hers. "I love you too" she said as she went to change.

When jughead was done with the serpents, he went straight to the community centre when he found Archie in the wrestling ring, mopping it. "Hey!" Jug grinned and Archie smiled when he saw him. "Hey you" Archie said, leaning over to kiss jug. "Where's our girl?" Jug asked, looking for Betty. "In the office, she was tired so she went to rest" archie said and jug nodded, walking into the office. The sight that greeted him, made his heart burst. Betty was curled up, fast asleep on the couch. "Hey jug, I'm ready to go when you are!" Archie called, so jug decided to wake betty up. "Hey baby...wake up" he whispered, gently shaking her awake. After a few moments, and stirred and her eyes fluttered open. "Mmm juggie?" She mumbled. "Hi gorgeous, you okay?" Jug asked, helping her to sit up and moving the hair from her face. "Yeah, I'm just tired" she smiled, sleepily. "Well we're about to leave to get pops then we'll head back okay?" He said, cupping her cheek. "Okay" she nodded and jug connected their lips. "Come on baby, let's get out of here" jug smiled, lacing their fingers together and leading her out of the office. "Hey betts, good sleep?" Archie smiled and Betty giggled. "Yep!" She grinned. "But now I'm starving!" She sighed, dramatically and her boyfriends laughed. "Well we can't have that can we?" Jug chuckled.

After grabbing pops to takeout, they arrived back at jugheads trailer and sat on the couch to eat. They ate in comfortable silence while watching tv, and once they were done they sat back and cuddled up. After a while, Betty was basically falling asleep. "Baby, why don't you go to sleep?" Jug suggested. "But it's only 8pm!" Betty protested. "You can't help being tired!" Archie chuckled. "Just fall asleep here with us and if you're still sleeping when we head to bed, we'll carry you to bed okay?" Jug said, moving her so she was laying across their laps. "Okay" Betty said, getting comfy and before she knew it, she was falling asleep...

CHILDHOOD LOVERS: ARCHIE, BETTY, JUGHEADWhere stories live. Discover now