Chapter 3

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After school, jughead and Archie were sat in the bleachers watching as Betty bounced around the gym, at cheerleading practice. "I'm so glad she made the team" Archie grinned, as the two boys never took their eyes off her. Half way through practice, Betty looked up at them, smiling and waving and they both grinned back. "B! I only want your attention for half an hour more then you can head To your boys" Cheryl teased and Betty blushed and nodded. "Sorry Cher" she apologised. "It's alright dear cousin" Cheryl said and continued with practice.

When cheerleading practice was over, Betty walked over to where jughead and Archie were standing and kissed them both. "You were amazing baby" jug smiled. "You really were" Archie added. "Thank you!" Betty smiled and linked her arms through theirs as they started walking. "Do you not want to get changed?" Jug asked but Betty shook her head. "No, I'll shower at yours, if that's okay?" She said and jug nodded, kissing her head. "That's fine" he said. When the three of them got to jugheads trailer, Archie and jughead flopped on the couch straight away. "I'm going to shower" Betty exclaimed and made her way into the bathroom. "Do you need anything?" Jug called after her. "I'm good!" She yelled and stripped out her clothes and climbed into the shower. When she was done, she wrapped a towel around her and went into jugs room and grabbed her pyjamas; both her and Archie keeps clothes for when they stay. She changed into some pink pyjamas that had ducks on, brushed her hair and then went to join the boys. "You look cute" Archie grinned when she climbed in the middle of them. "Nice shower?" Jug asked and Betty nodded, snuggling into them. "What do you want for dinner? I know we were going to pops but betts looks like she's going to fall asleep any minute" jug joked, stroking the hair from her face. "We can order pizza?" Archie suggested. "Sounds good, is that okay babe?" Jug asked Betty and she sleepily nodded, slowly falling asleep...

Betty was woken up by Archie gently shaking her. "Wake up baby, pizzas here" he said, kissing her softly. "Mmm" Betty mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she sat up. "Sorry betts, you need to eat then you can sleep again" jug said. "I'm not really hungry..." Betty said, even though her stomach was rumbling. Archie and jughead shared a knowing glance with each other. "Betts.." jug said and put the pizza down as he turned to look at her. "Arch told me what you said today in class" he started. "You're beautiful, so stunning and you're not fat and you don't need to lose weight" he started. "Screw your mom, she's wrong! She doesn't have your best interests in mind and she's toxic, but you're so loved and amazing and you don't need to change okay?" He said and Betty felt tears fall down her face. "Don't cry baby" Archie said, wiping them away. "We love you, and we hate that you're so unhappy recently" Archie said. "I'm sorry" Betty sniffed. "No! Don't apologise, you haven't done anything" Archie said. "We just want you to know how much we love you, and you never have to pretend around us okay?" Jug said and Betty nodded. "Okay" she sniffed. "I love you guys too" she smiled.

After pizza and more cuddles on the couch, the three of them made their way into jugheads room to head to sleep. Betty sleepily crawled under the covers, letting out a huge yawn. "Comfy?" Jug teased and she nodded, her eyes closing. Archie and jughead took their places, either side of her, their arms coming around her and their hands intertwined over Betty's stomach. "Love you" Betty mumbled sleepily. "Love you too baby" jug said, kissing her head. "Love you betts, sleep tight" Archie said, placing a gentle kiss on her lips as she went to sleep...

CHILDHOOD LOVERS: ARCHIE, BETTY, JUGHEADWhere stories live. Discover now