Chapter 1

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Taking in a long breath of air, I close my eyes, just to listen, and take in the voices. I truly do appreciate my village, when I become Empress, I'll rule just like my father.

The singing stops and my thoughts cut off. When my eyes burst open I'm caught in multitudes of...death.


A fleeting sight

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A fleeting sight. Like the leaves on the Autumn ground, and the winds that touch your cheeks. The person, Akari Ayumu, became that. A vision hid away for years.

That person being me.

That was seven years ago. I'm fourteen now and that very night still haunts my dreams and sometimes the present.

When the nations figured out that my clan had all died mysterious deaths, they became paranoid and had prepared themselves for a war that never came. At least that's what the rumors were.

The Ayumu was more than just a clan, it was an empire that traded goods, joined summits, was a vital part in some villages survival, or at least comfort. Some weren't shinobi, there were children, people of working class, the poorer districts.

How the Ayumu Empire could've fallen in such a strange way, well that was a question that was never brought an answer.

Soon rumors spread that the body of Akari Ayumu, a girl that was known by nations. Was never found.

Of course search parties were sent, I'd like to believe that people wanted to protect me from the dangers of the world knowing I was a young girl.

But it was mostly for the bounty. Or the self enjoyment. Or maybe even having the opportunity of delving into such a rarity, like a girl with royal blood.

I don't like killing. No, I hate killing. I'm a pacifist. Being forced into such a situation so young made me reject such morals. But I still try to keep it as low as possible.

Killing is wrong.

Now that I look back on it. I should've went with them. I could've went with them. Most seemed to be genuine in a way.

I can't reside in a nearby town for too long without someone becoming suspicious, or somehow finding a huge wanted poster of my masked face slapped right in the middle of it. Up until this point, I feel I've seen everything!

Walking down a trail, hidden in a deep forest as my beige cloak moves in different directions. My tight, perfect bun held together by a ribbon.

I Kneel down, touch the grass on the bottom a bit and rub it between my fingers. Ah water is near. My body swings loosely, continuing my trail, I've found a new water source.

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