Buttons, Tommy Boy

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Buttons and Tommy Boy started out partnered up, and Buttons was not pleased. But he was a good sport, and set off into the maze with Tommy Boy, even though he drove Buttons crazy. 

They wandered through the corn maze for a while, sorta mostly working together but not totally, but, after a while the usual annoyedness settled over the team, breaking the sorta working together thing into mostly working separately but sorta staying together. 

This soon broke down as well, because Tommy Boy, unfortunately, became very annoying to poor Buttons once again. This time, however, Buttons, seeing the way to the exit, pushed the other into the corn and ran.

Buttons finished fifth, and no one was surprised when he came through alone, but didn't know where Tommy Boy could be; there was only one maze and his partner had already come through. 

Tommy Boy finished sixth, and when he came out a half hour later, the already present teams decided they weren't going to partner those to up for anything anymore. (When questioned about where he was, he looked annoyedly at Buttons and stated, and I quote, "You pushed me into the friggin corn!!")

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