Henry and Finch, Spot

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Henry and Finch were pleased to work together, and decided on a very normal methodology for getting out of the maze.  They were trying routes and attempting not to take the same one too much, just sort of chatting and trying to find a way out like normal teens.

Then, they came across a lost boy.

Not like from Peter Pan, but just Spot, looking lost. They hesitantly approached him. (Spot Conlon makes Finch a little jittery.) 

When they asked if he knew where he was going, he claimed to, and of course they went with it. (See previous parenthesis) 

The two boys followed Spot around, and after seeing that he had no idea where he was actually going, didn't tell him he was wrong. (See other parentheses)

Instead, they started to talk very loudly about the right direction to go, and soon, they were actually heading down the right path and to the exit. They somehow weren't last, but came in ninth place.   

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