Jack and Specs

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Specs had a  big mission ahead of him. He had to keep uber-competitive Jack Kelly, leader of the Manhattan Newsies and part-time cowboy, inside of a corn maze for long enough for all of his chaotic friends to find their way through all while making it seem like they were actually competing.

Turns out, that proved easy. Ahead of the maze, Specs, knowing what he had to do, memorized the layout of the maze and was prepared to purposely lead Jack off course when he got close to the end. This turned out to be unnecessary because Jack, who suddenly decided he knew stuff about corn mazes because he had drawn one once, kept turning down all sorts of wrong paths until the wrong turns formed a sort of loop that passed the exit every fifteen minutes or so. As Jack intently believed that his loop was actually a lot of different paths and kept following it, Specs in tow, Specs stealthily checked his phone, waiting for the signal from the twins.

Finally, he got it, and phase three began.

Specs politely took over the navigation from Jack, and when they neared the exit for real, he stopped. He pulled out his phone and took a corn maze selfie, earning an odd look from Jack, (who only got "corn maze selfie" as an explanation) and sent the picture to Mike and Ike as a signal to say "be ready."

Specs didn't put his phone away, but kept leading Jack towards the exit until they got th the freshly planted exit sign. He told Jack to go ahead, and switch his phone camera to record. He needed to get this on video. They made it all the way to the end, which had a wooden set of saloon doors and was flanked by two scarecrows. (Actually Mike and Ike, but I'm fairly certain you already figured that out.) 

Jack went to push open the saloon doors, when suddenly the scarecrows jumped out of the corn.

The reaction was great, and believe me, Specs was certainly glad he was recording.  

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