Chapter Sixteen

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Seeing Santiago Salazar walking into the ballroom with his minions was one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of my life. It almost topped the way I felt the day my father forced me to kill for the first time. I was eight, and the guy was just an innocent by standard; it turned out he had a wife and new baby. Fucked up, right? My father's excuse for making me do it was so that I wouldn't hesitate to kill when the person was guilty. Thinking back on that moment triggered an inner rage I always had for my father. An anger that was fueled by the beatings, the starvation techniques, the forced killings, and the heinous acts of love he let his business partners show me. As much as I want my father dead, though, the rage always helped me conquer, so there's that.

If Santiago sees Luca or me, though, World War III will break out. Thinking quickly, I grabbed Luca by his arm as my father grabbed my mother and sisters, and we all left the ballroom through a hidden doorway concealed by one of the white curtains hanging from the ceiling. It's a good thing DeConte told us about it while we were waiting for the girls to come downstairs at his house. DeConte also warned us that if something were to happen like this, we would team up with his hidden, most trusted guards to solve the problem. Alaiyah was given the code name, "precious cargo," and the task was simple: don't let her die.

We all ran down the hidden hallway that led to a back door. Just outside, two limos sat waiting, one for my family and one for the DeConte household. Me, Luca, and our father made sure my sisters and mother got in safe, and the driver was directed to take them back to the DeConte mansion to wait. We watched them take off, followed by three cars worth of guards, then we went back inside to meet with the hidden guards. We had about five minutes to come up with a plan, or this mission would be a fail. We ran back down the hallway and busted through the doors to the meeting room.

As we entered, I couldn't help but see how high tech it was. The meeting table doubled as one giant tablet that guards could all work off of. On the right-hand wall, twelve televisions had security rolling, and like there was a whiteboard that doubled as a giant computer. In one of the far corners of the room, I saw two computer specialists working off of another twelve monitors while all the guards stood geared up, waiting for my orders.

"Alright, what do we got going on here, and who is in charge?" I demanded as I walked to the head of the table.

"That would be me, Sir. The name is Shen. It looks like a mission done by the top six Los Demonios men. They hit the ten guards outside with standard weapons before moving in. It looks like Santi's obsession has started again." the muscular Asian man with a man bun said.

"Obsession? What obsession?" I asked, confused as to why the fuck DeConte didn't inform me sooner.

"Santi has been obsessed with Alaiyah since he saw her about a year and a half ago. He has tried breaking into the DeConte home and has followed Alaiyah on multiple occasions. Based on the audio we have around the building, he is planning on taking her back to Columbia to wed," He informed me as he pulled up Santi's file, blueprints, and security footage for everyone to view.

As I was looking over the blueprints, my father, Luca, and I all changed into protective black clothing. I went from a suit and tie to cargo and combat boots in under two minutes. A new personal record if I do say so myself.

"Shen, how many of you do we have to help us?" I asked, trying to form a plan in my head.

"We have fifty, Sir, including one who is on the floor now, his name is Arcelio. He has been working undercover within the Los Demonios Cartel, serving as our eyes and ears. He tipped DeConte off about the hit yesterday." Shen replied, loading ammo into his gun.

"Eyes and ears? I thought Los Demonios was on neutral terms with DeConte." I said, looking over to Shen.

"Well, they were, Sir... that was until he started trying to war with your family and started becoming a creep." He said, cringing at the comment.

"I see. Okay, Shen, I want you and a team of ten to hit from the north, I will take a team of ten, and we'll hit the floor from the West, and I need a group of ten to hit from South. Luca, I want you to come in from the East with a sharp shot on Santi. Dad, I want you and a team of ten to sharp shoot from the balcony. I want these fuckers taken down, but alive. If you do have to kill, though, don't hesitate. Shoot first, ask questions later. Shen, I need you to choose your top ten guards right now. They will be following the limo that will bring Alaiyah, Ellie, and Mrs. DeConte to the mansion. I also want one guard in the limo with them." I ordered, pointing to different places on the blueprints.

"Okay, Milo, you will be riding with the cargo. Lusha, Mike, Leo, Hulk, Sully, Jax, Levi, Hunter, and Omar; you will be escorting the limo in the Escalades. I want formations changed every five minutes. As for the rest of you... you all heard Mr. Costello... Group up, Let's Go!" Shen then ordered.

"Once more thing, Can everyone hear each other on the mics?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir! They were all checked before the party started." Shen assured.

"Okay, lets rock and roll!" I shouted, signaling for everyone to follow.


"Is everyone in position?" I asked over the walkie as my team took our places.

"Team one, Locked in."

"Team two, locked in."

"Team three, locked on targets."

"Team four, locked in."

"Team five, waiting for precious cargo."

"Luca, Do you have eyes on Santi?" I asked.

"Eyes on Santi. Linc, you need to hurry, he's getting a little handsy with Alaiyah." Luca warned.

"Gian-Carlo, on your call, have your team take their shots. Try to hit them with the electros first; I rather have these fuckers alive." I called out to my dad.

"Boys, can you take your shots?" My dad asked his team.

"Yes, Sir!" They whispered out.

"On my count... 1... 2... 3," Gian-Carlo said, using a series of hand motions.

All at once, the six of them fired off special electrode bullets. They were initially designed for the US Marines as a way to shock the enemy into submission, without risk of injury. However, after a series of votes, they were ruled inhuman with curl and unusual punishment attached, so one of my weapons dealers who work in high places sold them to me for cheap. A single bullet houses enough electricity to stun a target, causing them to pass out, but not for long. We had a window of thirty seconds to neutralize them before they would start to wake up.

As soon as we heard the all-clear, given by dad, the three teams on the ground... and Luca rushed into the ballroom. Luca kept his gun pointed at Santi's head, while I was in pleasant shock that Alaiyah had pulled her gun and had it pointed at the front of his head. I quickly pulled Alaiyah behind me and handed her over to Shen, whose job it was to get her and her family out of the build. As soon as the five goons were cuffed and blindfolded, guards took DeConte and this family to the waiting limo, leaving us to deal with Salazar, not that I minded one bit.

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