Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Luca fell asleep on Toni; Gianna was stretched out, snoring in the row across from us, and Lincoln's parents were cuddled together in the very front of the plane. As I was resting his head on my shoulder, he started talking in a low voice.

" I'm sorry I slapped you," Lincoln said in a voice that I could barely hear. I could tell his pride was hurt right now, and I was loving it.

"Hum?" I mumbled for the hell of him repeating what he just said.

"I- I'm sorry for slapping you," He repeated, looking out at the window. I instantly got a little irritated at his actions.

"Lincoln. Firstly, you don't apologize to someone while you are looking away from them. You either have the balls to face them, or you keep your mouth shut. And secondly, 'i'm sorry,' means you aren't going to do the thing that you are 'sorry,' for again. And you already have. So don't come at me with your bullshit because you mistook this moment for weakness." I let out a breath of frustration and moved back into my seat.

I crossed arms in front of my chest and looked out the window of the plane.

I'm sorry. Please. The boy is gonna have to try harder than that. My inner voice huffed.

At that moment, I found myself wallowing in self-pity. My life fucking sucked. I was not only surrounded by a bunch of idiots, but the man I had to marry was gonna make me kill him before we were even forced to walk down the fucking aisle.

"I don't understand why it is so fucking hard for you guys to genuinely look at us women in the eyes and just say, 'hey, I know we are both in a genuinely shitty situation, but I will give you the same respect that you give me.' Your lives would be a hell of a lot easier." I lashed out.

"But no. You have to fight tooth and nail for a non-existent power with the wrong fucking people. The ones who choose to be on you fucking side Lincoln, are not the ones you lash out at." With that being said, I stood up from my seat, just to feel a hand grab my wrist.

"Where are you going?" Lincoln asked like I was a fucking child.

"To use the bathroom. Want to know if I need to take a shit as well?!" I sneered, ripping my wrist out of his grip.

Did he even hear a fucking word I said? My head, bobbing in frustration as I walked down the aisle of the plane.

After calming down and splashing some water on my face, I walked back to our row of seats, just to have Lincoln pull me onto his lap.

"Lincoln, I swear to god-" he cut me off.

"You're right." He mumbled, placing a finger under my chin, so he was looking at me in my eyes.

"I'm talking this out on you when it's their fault." He's eyes, glancing in the direction of his father.

"But you are also making it hard. You keep speaking to me like I am out to get you, and I am also not your enemy, Alaiyah. And you ARE in danger. And avoiding that specific part of this issue is gonna get you killed," he poked my stomach on the last part, in a way that caused an involuntary laugh to come out of me.

He raised an eyebrow like I just showed him a weakness, and before I knew it, I was sitting in my seat in a heap of laughter while lincoln was above me, tickling the life out of me. He went on for a couple minutes before he finally stopped. His eyes locked on mine with a genuine smile, his eyes letting off a sparkle I haven't seen yet. And there he stood, hunched over in our row, just looking at me. He leaned one hand against the seat of my chair, his other, resting against the space between the windows, bringing his face closer to mine.

"I am sorry for the rough start of things," he said, looking at me, dead in my eyes.

"And?..." I waited for him to continue as the list of things he has done in the past thirty-six hours was a lot longer and a lot worse than a 'rough start.'

"I'm sorry for slapping you in the limo," he mumbled, looking at me like a puppy that knew they did something wrong.

"And?..." I now teased, knowing damn well I wasn't going to get an apology for anything else he did.

"And I'm sorry for taking sock from each pair that you packed in your suitcase while you made me wait an hour, just to piss you off later." He said, sitting back down in his chair.

"You. Did. What." I asked, fighting back laughter at the thought the LINCOLN COSTELLO, ruthless bad-boy could resort to such childish antics.

Slowly, Lincoln put his hand in his jacket pocket, pulling out a singled sock, one at a time.

"No, you didn't!" I shrieked, playfully punching his arm with a little more force than just playfighting.

"Ow! You own me an apology! That hurt!" He wined

"Never." I smiled.

"Alaiyah." He warned, again raising his brown.

"Ugh, Fine," I said, rolling my eyes.

I repositioned myself, so I was now looking at him in the eyes, but if he thought he was gonna get an apology for that weak-ass punch, he had another thing coming.

"Lincoln Costello. I am sorry-" I purposely held a longer than usual pause. "I am sorry, I'm not sorry that you are so weak... that you can't handle...a punch from a girl!" I heaved out between spouts of laughter that took my breath away.

"Oh, you think I'm weak now?!" he said, acting dramatically shocked right before he starting tickling me again.

"Stop...Lincoln! I tried to laugh out.

"Say my name again, and I'll stop." He whispered in my ear, the warmth of his breath sending chills down my spine.

He backed away, stopping for a second to allow me to catch my breath. Following his lead, I sat up at an awkward angle and returned the favor. Placing my head in the nape of his neck,  my lips gently grazed his ear lobe as I whispered his name. Backing away while biting my lower lip, this time, he followed my lead, only he placed his lips inches from mine.

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