Chapter Twenty-Three

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"So... do we all agree on the new contract?" I asked, my question mainly directed towards a red-faced DeConte.

"I suppose we do." He gritted.

Both of our fathers weren't happy about what just happened in that office. Alaiyah and I both agreed to being married for a year or till Los Demonios no longer poses a threat to her, whichever comes last. During this time, she will live with me in Chicago. She is to obey security protocols and respect the rules of the house. Everyone agreed that she was unrealistic with the clause of 'no sex for a year,' to which she objected, but eventually, she gave in.

By the time the new contract was drawn up and signed, it was already six-thirty, and we have all been up for more than twenty hours. It was time to get some rest. Ellie and my sisters fell asleep on the sofa downstairs, the rest of the house went to bed in guest rooms, and Ameilia thought it was best that I sleep in Alaiyah's room. We were both too tired to fight her on it, so we headed up to her room.

Arturo let both Luca and I borrow some sweats to sleep in for the night, as stay here was unplanned. I quickly changed into the pair of grey sweats and climbed into the bed shirtless. By the time I had got there, Alaiyah had already fallen asleep. I wonder if I would get much sleep today? I usually avoid it.


My eyes slowly opened to the darkness of my room. I thought it was due to the blackout blinds, but the clock told me the winter sky was, in fact, darkened. As I became coherent, I could hear the shallow breaths of another person. For a moment, my fears come back. I was afraid that Santiago had gotten in, and my body started trembling.

I then heard a familiar tone that instantly relaxed my tensed body, and that's when I remember mom forced Lincoln to sleep in here. It was at that moment that I also realized our bodies were intertwined, and he was holding my waist as he pulled me closer, resting his head in the crook of my neck. I don't know why, but I didn't move. Instead, the warmth we created and the sounds of his slowed breathing lulled me back to sleep.


I woke up to the instant feeling of cold against my back and more room to move. Lincoln was no longer in bed with me, but the glow creeping out from under my bathroom door told me he was in there. I rolled over onto my back and looked at the clock again. I was now seven, and I was wide awake.

"Get up." a voice echoed from the direction of the bathroom.

"What did I tell you about being a dog?" I asked into the night, a smile making its way across my face.

"Where is the light?" the voice asked again.

"Why, you afraid of the dark?" I teased.

"Alaiyah, our plane leaves in an hour. Either get up and get packed or I throw you over my shoulder, and you go to Chicago with nothing." the tone husky and cold.

So we're going back to that I couldn't help but think, rolling my eyes under cover of darkness.

Finally, getting out of bed, I reached over and turned on my bedside lamp, opting to let my eyes adjust to the low glow before turning on the brighter lights.

"Do you know how long it will take for my things to get to Chicago?" I asked, turning toward a now cold Lincoln.

"Four days." was all he said before leaving the room.

I walked to my closet and slid the door open once again. I pulled down three large Louis Vuitton suitcases and started packing four days worth of clothes. Along with my clothes, I put my finger on my safe and scanned it open. I packed a couple of guns and some throwing knives.

Daddy didn't raise no fool. Those men really think I'm going to bow down to Costello; they got another think coming. I chuckled to myself as I checked to make sure I had enough ammunition... just Incase... you know.


"You ready?" I asked as I walked back into Alaiyah's room.

"As ready as I'm ever gonna be." She snarked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that attitude. Can you repeat yourself?" I mocked.

"Let's just go." Alaiyah shoved me into the door and walked passed.

"Four!" I called out

"Suck on your number and choke!" She screamed as they ran down the stairs.

"Babe, that will be you!" I yelled down to her.

All I heard in return was only of those authentic belly laughs that drives my mind insane. I might get myself into trouble.

As I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw Alaiyah saying bye to everyone. It wasn't her saying bye to her parents or siblings that struck me as odd, but the fact that it was saying bye to Margarite was what caused her tears and pain.

Not wanting to deal with that drama, I quickly said goodbye to the DeConte family, and they walked out to the car with Alaiyah's luggage in hand. After putting it in the truck of the waiting limo, I climbed and waited for everyone else.

I was in the middle of answering built up work emails when Luca crawled into the limo.

"Bro, what is taking them so long?" I asked, my patients, wearing thin.

"They're Italians; you know a goodbye takes at least a half an hour."Luca huffed.

"So, bro. How was last night?" Luca winked while hitting my arm with his elbow".

"Luca, what the fuck are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes.

"bro, you slept for more than nine hours; that is what I'm talking about... and Alaiyah's mom went to check on the both of you, only to come down, giggling that there was cuddling going on," He informed.

"Nothing happened." It was a simple as that.

"Keep telling yourself that," Luca said, pulling out his phone.

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