Chapter Fifty-Two

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I woke up to Lincoln's body laying over me. The sun was shining high in the sky and beaming down onto the room, we wherein. Needing to use the restroom, I tried wiggling out of his arms, only to be pinned down by his log of a leg.

"Go to sleep," a groggy Lincoln hissed out.

"I need to use the bathroom!" I hissed back, trying to lift his leg off me.

"My bad, shit!" He huffed, peeling himself off me, before turning over and falling back asleep.

I sat up, looking at Lincoln for a moment when I realized he was naked. I then looked down at myself and saw that I, too, was naked. My heart started to pound out of my chest as I realized what happened last night. I. Slept. With. LINCOLN. COSTELLO!

As I got up, I saw the white rug was now stained red, and I was sore. Slowly I walked to the bathroom. After I was done, it dawned on me that I didn't just sleep with him once... no, in fact, it was SEVERAL times... several unprotected times.

"LINCOLN COSTELLO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Within point-two seconds, a naked Lincoln was standing in front of me, gun cocked, ready to shoot.

"What's wrong?!" His pupils dilated as he was looking around.

"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG?!" I couldn't help but laugh at this point.

"What's wrong is we slept together, and I don't remember putting a condom on you!" My anger was starting to take over.

"So... we are married, and you're on the pill," At that moment, I have never wanted to slap the look of confusion off of someone's face so bad.

"That's just it, Lincoln; I'm NOT on the pill!... I never counted on sleeping with you!" Tears of anger started to fall as I hit Lincoln's chest.

When Alaiyah told me she wasn't on the pill, the whole world stopped. I don't want kids. Alaiyah definitely didn't want kids.

"Umm, okay, don't panic," I said as my heart was beating out of my chest.

"DoNt PaNiC!" Alaiyah mocked with the world's worst attitude.

"Clothes...I brought a change of clothes. Let's get dressed and I will bring you to the Pharmacy, I can get you Plan B." I tried to slow my heart rate as I walked back into the bed area.

"Here," I said, pulling her clothes out.

We got dressed in record time and headed out to the SUV. As we started the thirty-minute trip to the nearest pharmacy, the car was silent.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled under my breath.

"You're sorry. Babe, this isn't your fault." I couldn't help but notice that for the first time ever, she gave me a pet name.

"Yes, it is. I should have been more careful. Instead, what should have been something beautiful, has turned into a fucking disaster that you regret," I couldn't bring myself to see the look of disgust on her face.

"Hey!" Alaiyah shifted in her seat, so she was turned to me and placed her hand on my lap.

"First of all, I don't regret last night, and second, I'm sorry that you think it was a disaster." Alaiyah now was rubbing my leg.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I am definitely shocked and scared, but last night, it was right... and I liked it... a lot." She continued, trying to hide the blush in her cheeks.

"So you don't regret last night?" I asked, fearing her real answer.

"No... I mean, I regret the whole 'just do it," part cause I feel like I can't walk, but I definitely don't regret sleeping you... even if you're a pain in my ass." She said nonchalantly as she punched me in my arm.

"Yeah, I should have made that part my call," I teased. Taking my right hand off the wheel, I picked up Alaiyah's hand and intertwined our fingers before kissing the back of her hand. I glanced over to her and couldn't help but smile when I saw she was staring at me, smiling.

The rest of the way to the pharmacy, I held her hand in mine as we sat in a comfortable silence. I was glad she was happy with the choice she made last night, and I felt myself needing to be close to her.

When we finally got to CVS, I pulled in and put the car in park.

"I can run in and get it," she said, breaking the silence.

"No, I'll come in with you. I won't let you do the walk of shame alone," we both let out a laugh as we unclipped our seatbelts and hopped out of the car. After Alaiyah closed her door, I set the alarm and walked around to her side.

"Maybe you should wait in the car?" I asked more as a suggestion when I saw she was in discomfort.

"Nope. I trust you, but I don't trust you to do this by yourself!" She held a finger in the air as we walked into the store.

After looking in the aisle for a bit, Alaiyah's found the pills she needed, and I picked out some drinks. We walked up to the register and paid I paid, taking the bag from the cashier.

"You know, I am still capable of holding that, right?" She said, looking down at the bag.

"Nope. You may be an independent hard-head who cramped my single flow, but you will never cramp my chivalry style," I joked as I pulled her to me, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and kissing her on the head.

When we got back to the car, Alaiyah climbed in the passenger's seat as I waited by her side. I then handed her the pillbox, and she read the directions as I gave her, her Aloe Drink.

"Okay, so basically, I take one of these now and another one in twelve hours, and you stay the fuck away from me for the next Twenty-four cause it's gonna destroy my system." She said matter-of-factly.

"No can do. You're my wife, and you gave it up... you're now stuck with my ass." I joked as I walked around to the driver's side.

"Do you need to drink that pill with food? Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Ummm, yes to the second," she said.

"Okay, I know a dinner just down the road we can go to," I said as I started the car.

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