Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Lincoln, me go!" I screamed as he started dragging me up some random steps.

I tried my hardest to slip his grip, but no matter how hard I tried, my wrist just wasn't budging. Now, I know what you all might be thinking, "why didn't you just pull the gun?" Well, the answer is simple. If I pulled it now, I wouldn't stand a chance. His rage made his strength. He would have taken the gun right out of my hand, and I would be dead on the spot, I needed the element of surprise on my side.

And his dumbass dared to call ME reckless. I'll let him continue to think that I was just some reckless girl. I mean, it's not like I wasn't trained by an ex black-ops agent, turned rogue, or anything like that. The crazy in my mind chuckled.

"Lincoln, you're hurting me! Let me go!" I screamed again as I felt myself crash into something.

Lincoln had busted open a door, throwing me inside. My body hit a wall, my head making a dent on impact. Lincoln's body pressed into mine as he leaned his head leaned against the wall, allowing himself to bury his lips in the nape of my neck, his breath, tickling against my skin with every exhale.

"You wanted to play hardball, now you got it, babe! Is this how you like it- how you like me?!" His voice, now the coldest I have ever heard. His pupils dilated, replacing his ocean blues with a vicious black. Tears started to sting my eyes as I fought to hold them in. My heart started humming; it was beating so fast. No matter how in control I tried to be, fear was still prevalent as it was only me and the monster.

"IS IT?!" He screamed, his fist crashing through the wall making my ears ring on impact. His head was now resting against mine as his eyes stared right into mine.

I started squirming under him, trying to push him away from me, but the more I squirmed, the hardened his body pressed into me. Next thing I knew, his arms slid down to my sides, and he grabbed both of my wrists, pinning them against the sides of my head.

"Look at you." He chuckled through a sinister smile.

"You think you're so damn tough. This feeling of hopelessness that you're feeling right now, the inability to move, my sheer power over you that could make me take anything I want from you," Lincoln's lips now grazing the side of my neck as he whispered his venomous words into my ear.

"I want you to remember this feeling—this fear, for the rest of fucking your life; because the next time you are in this position, the man WILL BE like Santiago, and NO ONE will hear your screams, because YOUR reckless decisions will have put YOU there, and I WON'T be able to find you!" He lifted my wrists from the wall, then slammed them back into the down before letting one go.

His hand then lifted my shirt and took back his gun before letting my body fall to the floor.

"Your seat is on the side of the wall. I suggest you go sit and buckle up for take-off, so you don't further hurt yourself." He sneered before leaving.

I heard the door lock from the outside, and at this point, I knew there nothing I could do till I get to Chicago.



Were my actions justified when I smacked her in the face? No, and I have no problem admitting that I fucked up. Were her actions justified when she held me a gunpoint before kicking the juniors? Yes, that's why she is still breathing. Were my actions then justified for what the fuck I just did? Absolutely. There is no doubt that the girl got some fight in her. The fact that she was even able to take me down was not only amazing to witness, but was also, kinda a turn on. But her fight is gonna get her killed. She needs to learn that if she's gonna fight like a gangster, she needs to watch her back like one. There is no reason I should have been able to grab her out of her seat, to begin with. She had my gun; it should have been used.

I chose to lock her in a safe room. I knew that if I brought her back down with me, there would be nonstop arguing and the potential for a fight breaking out between her, my mother, Luca, and I, and quite frankly, I already had a fucking headache.

"What the FUCK was that?!" Luca confronted, pushing me back a little as I got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Don't put your hands on something that isn't yours. That was your ONLY warning." I shrugged as I pushed past him to get to my seat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your caption speaking. This is the five-fifteen flight destined for Chicago. We are experiencing a little delay as there was an issue on the runway. On behalf of Laguardia International, I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

"Lincoln, I'm not talking about us. I'm talking about you dragging Alaiyah upstairs like she was some kind of war criminal!" He said through a clenched jaw, running up behind me.

"If she wants to act like one, I will treat her like one," I said as I reached above my seat to grab my carry on.

"You have lost your god damn mind. Alaiyah, she's a good person— a strong person, and YOU don't get to toss her around because SHE has the courage to knock you off your high horse that you have been on," He shouted under his breath.

"Luca, what the fuck are you talking about." I rolled my eyes, not in the mood for his bullshit.

"I'm talking about you becoming so obsessed with your reputation that you put your hands on a fucking woman— and DeConte's daughter at that! You're not even fucking married." He pointed his finger into my chest.

"I understand you are forced to be a heartless killer, but we don't hit women, Lincoln." He shook his head as he walked away.

I finally took my seat, then carefully unzipped my carry on and pulled out some Tylenol. I dried-swallowed the pills then put some earplugs in. The next few days were gonna be long and sleepless, so a nap was the only thing I had on my mind. I closed my eyes for a few minutes, but I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was looking at me. I slowly turned my head to the aisle, then lifted my eyes open. My jaw dropped in shock as I looked at the person starring back at me.

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