Chapter Sixty- One

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Quickly, I pulled open the door to the closet that was built into the side of Lincoln's office shelving. I waited for what felt like a couple of minutes before I finally heard Lincoln walking around. Ever so gently, I cracked open the closet door and waited for him to start filing the paperwork in the cabinets across the room. This took a couple more minutes, but finally, his back was turned. Now was my chance.

Quietly, I opened the door a little wider and slipped out, then with all the might I could muster up in me, I lounged and jumped onto his back.

"HI-YAH!" I screamed as I wrapped my legs around his waist as my arms wrapped around this neck.

My weight, along with my mad ninja skills, cause Linclon to spin around, losing his balance in the process. I ended up falling onto the couch Lincoln also had in there as Lincoln fell onto the floor. Anticipating this, I quickly recovered and put Lincoln into a chock hold that he easily slipped out of. In one swift motion, a terrified Lincoln had me pinned under him, his hand tightly wrapped around my throat. So maybe planning a ninja attack on a Mafia Capo wasn't the best decision I ever made in my life, but having the satisfaction of scaring the crap out of him made this moment worth it. As I said, I was only a moment before Lincoln realized it was me and not someone trying to kill him.

"What the ACTUAL FUCK ALAIYAH!" He screamed out as he removed his hand from my neck.

"Why the fuck do you have a death with?!?" I don't know why, but seeing him scared and pissed made me laugh my ass off.

I quickly recovered, though. Before Lincoln knew what hit him, I wrapped my legs around his waist and using my arm, I pulled his arm out from under him, allowing me to put my legs on either side of him, as I pinned his arms to the floor.

"Don't you EVER- underestimate my ninja skills." I chuckled.

As I held Lincoln pinned to the floor, I saw the biggest smile come across his face.

"You call that ninja skills?" A mischievous look now replaced his smile, and before I knew it, I was pinned again.

"Nice try, Amore!" Suddenly, the playful mood in his eyes darkened as he looked at me, awakening and excitement that I didn't know I was longing for.

"Come with me." Lincoln got off of me and stood up before picking me up bridal style and left his office.

"Lincoln, where are you taking me!?" I screamed through a laugh.

"To make up the last seven months, now be quiet before you wake the house up!" He whisper-yelled.

"Then put me down!" I said, hitting his arm.

"I would, but I'm afraid you'll go to the guest room." Suddenly, knowing he was afraid I would leave his side, made me feel guilty.

"I promise I won't, just put me down before you throw your back out!" I whisper-yelled to him.

Lincoln just rolled his eyes at me as he put me down.

"Are you calling me old, Amore?" The mischief in his eyes returned, causing me to bolt down the hall to his—I mean our room, but I wasn't fast enough to lock him out.

I busted through the bedroom door, causing to swing into the wall, but as I went to close it, Lincoln's arm got in the way. Using the force of his body, he quickly plowed through the door as I ran over to the bed, laughing my ass off. What I didn't realize was the when Lincoln shut the door, he locked it. Through the glow of the midnight moon, shining through the window, I could make out Lincoln's figure as he began to do something that I couldn't make out. It was only when he was standing right in front of me that I saw he took off everything he was wearing, which was not much, and now only wore a pair of Calin Klein boxers—and I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

"Like the view, Amore?" He asked, raising his brow.

"Linking? Nah. Loving? Hell, yes!" I giggled, running my hand from his pecks, down to the waistband of his boxers. I then pulled Lincoln towards me and closed the distance with a kiss that turned into a whole other something. By the time we were worn out and finally decided to go to sleep, the clock read, seven a.m.


Three Hours and Nineteen Minutes Later;

"Oh my god! My Eyes!" I sat straight up in bed as I heard a voice yell out.

"Oh. My. God. Milosh, what are you doing in here!?" A rosy red flooded my cheeks as I gripped the sheet covering my naked body tighter.

As if on queue, when Lincoln heard another man was in our room, he shot up with rage written all over his face.

"Have you lost your Russian mind, Milosh!?" If Lincoln were dressed, Milosh would no longer be our drunk Russian, but rather, our DEAD RUSSIAN.

"No... you lost your pants, though." Milosh and I could never pass up an opportunity to bust Lincoln's balls, even if it meant our lives were put on the line.

"Get out!... NOW!" Lincoln furiously pointed towards the door as I struggled to contain the laughter building in me.

"Fine, but it's time for you both to wakey-wakey. We got a hit on Santiago's whereabouts." Milosh pulled a pen out of his pocket and picked up Lincoln's boxers, and he held his nose as he threw them at Lincoln's face.

"Sorry, little one. I didn't know you were in here." He nodded at me then left.

As soon as the door shut, the laugh that was building finally erupted. As I laughed my ass off, Lincoln jumped out of bed and grabbed a new pair of boxers, and put on another pair of gray Nike sweats.

"Alaiyah. Dress. Santiago's location. Parents. Sbrigati ora!" and just like that, Lincoln brought me back to reality, and I shot out of bed.
(IT: Hurry up now!)

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