Chapter Nineteen

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"Please take a seat gentlemen." He said, pulling out his desk chair.

Gian-Carlo positioned one of the chairs sitting in front of my father's desk so he was now sitting next to my father. Lincoln had joined me on the sofa next to my dad's desk and put his arm around my shoulder while resting his left leg on his knee.

"First and foremost," Mr.Costello began to speak. "Mrs.Alaiyah, are you okay? Tonight was very hectic." It was really nice to have someone genuinely care about my well being.

"Tonight took an emotional toll, but I will be okay. Thank you for asking." I returned a small, warm smile, nodding my head to beat of my words.

As I spoke, I felt Lincoln's arm pull me a little closer to him.

"So Alaiyah, Gian-Carlo and I spoke with Lincoln earlier in the night and we all agreed that after tonight's events, you are not safe." My father began with a serious look on his face.

My heart started to speed up as I knew that look all too well. It was the look he gave me when he found me with Santiago in Columbia and it was the same look he gave me when he broke the news that it was, in fact, Santiago who was peeping through my window.

"Bambina, I don't mean to scare you, but tonight's events mean a war for both our families and Los Demonios. That is why both Giano-Carlo and I have agreed that this wedding can not wait. Gian-Carlo contacted Father Joseph on the way here and he agreed to marry you both next Sunday."

"Next S-Sunday?" I instinctively whispered.

"Yes, next Sunday, mi amore." He repeated.

Tears began to well up in my eyes as the realization hit me that all I would ever be in life was a Mafia wife. No College. No NNICU(Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) nursing degree. No falling in love. No wedding of my dreams. No dreams... just Mafia.

"Also, Lincoln. We have agreed in the car that our family will stay here tonight, as it is really late and then in the morning, Alaiyah is going to come back to Chicago with us. With Santiago being locked up in New York, it is the safest thing for Alaiyah until the wedding." Mr. Costello chimed in.

"Now, here is a copy of the contacts. So it is not confusing, Alaiyah, yours is labeled 'A' and you are referred to as 'Party A' within the contract. Lincoln your copy is labeled 'B' and you are referred to as 'Party B' within the contract." My father handed us both a copy and I began reading mine.

The first page was just a bunch of legal jargon that explained what was going to happen between Lincoln and I. It was the second page that caught my eye.

Terms and Conditions:

Both parties, A and B are expected to live together, under one roof.

Both parties, A and B are expected to remain celibate from the time of signature till date of wedding.

A divorce between parties, A and B is prohibited as this contract will serve proof of a lifetime commitment of both parts.

Party A is expected to adhere to household rules set forth by Party B.

Party A is expected to adhere to security instructions set forth by the team of Party B.

Infidelity on behalf of either party AFTER the signing of this contact is subjected to trial by the Board and punishment set forth.

A hire is expected within one year of marriage of wedding date or Party B is subjected to trial by the Board.

Ths contract will legally merge the families of parties A and B with all future alliance contracts obtained by either party A or B.

Any domestic altercations between parties A and B will result in a trial by the Board.

"I am NOT signing this!" both Lincoln and I screamed in unison.

"I do NOT have ANY plans to be a mom before I am old enough to drink... and I'm definitely NOT being a teen mom!" I screamed.

"Honey, it is the terms in every contract. Your mother and I had you within our first year of marriage. The same with your parents Lincoln." my dad tried to reason.

"Well, you and mom were like fifty and actually loved each other!" I yelled, tears now falling down my eyes.

"This contract is so outdated and degrading to me... And you're just okay with it?!" I picked up the paperweight on my dad's desk and chucked it at the wall, creating both a hole in the wall and a mess of broken glass on the floor.

"It's the twenty-first fucking century. We can both freeze our reproductive cells within the first year, just in case either one of us dies an heir can be created, but nothing more!" I continued to scream, walking to the door.

I slammed the door open then ran up to my room, slamming that door in the process as well.



Alaiyah and I were both handed I contract. I was referred to as 'Party B.' As I read over the Terms and conditions of the contract, my blood boiled more and more. What they were expecting was completely barbaric. I didn't even want to marry this girl and they expect me to what? Rape her? Cause I know I damn sure didn't have plans on sleeping with her so I know we had that thought in common.

I was relieved when I heard her disagree with the terms of the contract. This didn't benefit either one of us in a marriage; it just benefitted a business deal and was a guarantee that the Mafia stayed within our families. I mean, what if Alaiyah or I couldn't have kids? What if Alaiyah didn't love me at all?! Alaiyah's temper ended up getting the best of her and for once, I agreed with it. She stormed out of the office, leaving all of us in shock.

"I will go talk to her." A very angry DeConte Said.

I knew DeConte's temper. I have seen it many times when we worked together. One doesn't just walk away from a contract and lives to tell the story.

"No! I will go and speak to my wife." I said, holding my hand out to stop him from taking another step. "Just point me in the direction of her room."

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