Chapter Sixty-Three

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21 hours later; Viciebsk, Belarus

The team touched down in Viciebsk, Belarus, an hour ago. After two hours of preparations, we took the sixteen-and-a-half hour flight here; then, it took another two hours to get the shithole Luca called a hotel located on the outskirts of Belarus. The plan was simple; we would all sleep in this hole-in-the-wall till eight p.m; No one really got any sleep on the plane, and I needed everyone to bring their A-game. Once darkness was on our side, we would gear up and roll out. Luca and his team of five—including Dani and Maze, would repel up to the roof as this would allow the sharpshooters to have their vantage points. I would then take a team of ten through the front while Milosh and Alaiyah took a team of fifteen through the back. We get in, and we get out. The rules were even more straightforward—shoot to kill unless it was the DeContes or Santiago.

"Lincoln, I am sleeping on you!" Alaiyah warned as she looked around the room.

The walls were stained with years of dirt. The floors were just slabs of concrete, and the beds were just a squeaky metal frame with a mattress and thin blanket. There was a single light that sat on a crate by the bed, and I am pretty sure that I saw a mouse scurry by us on the way to the room.

"Ah, there's the women of spoiled entitlement that I knew I had to marry!" I joked as I wrapped my arms around Alaiyah.

"It's not funny!" She smiled back, pecking my lips.

"If it makes you feel better, I will put more wood in the fire; then, I promise I will hold you." I raised my hands in defense, and she chuckled a little more.

"We're gonna need it cause I am not covering up with that," She pointed to the blanket that I too was wary of.

"Ah, the entitlement of us Americans!" I said, turning on the balls of my heels towards the fireplace.

Once I got a decent size fire started, I walked over the bed and pulled Alaiyah into my arms.

"Amore," I whispered into her hair.

"Hum?" She moaned out as she was starting to drift asleep.

"Are you sure you want to come with us on this mission, there are no guarantees as to what we are going to find?" I was subconsciously praying to god that she would choose to stay here, but she was too strong-willed.

"Yes I am sure I am going, now go to bed!" She groaned out, turning away from me.

The bed was surprisingly comfortable, and within minutes of Alaiyah falling asleep, I was too.


"We'll be pulling into the location in two minutes. Lights off!" I commanded through my walkie.

One by one, the driver of each of the seven SUVs turned all the headlights off. It was now pitch black outside, and we were completely hidden.

"Alaiyah, you need to listen to Milosh, please. these are the streets he used to run." I knew Alaiyah always respected Milosh, and Milosh always treated her like his daughter.

"Remember, we get in, we get out! DeContes and Santiago must remain alive!" I called out over the walkie again.

Luca's team went first as followed. Each snipper effortlessly sent their scaffolding hooks shooting through the sky to the roof, then climbed the three-story compound in under two minutes. Once there, Luca called out over the walkie that they took down two guards that fell asleep, dumb fucking Russians. Little did we know, though, that was going to be the only easy thing tonight.

Having the roof cleared, next, it was our turn to invade the compound. At the same time, both Milosh and I kicked down the front and back doors. My team was met with a couple of unsuspecting soldiers who were easily taken out. Then he sounds of bullets triggered the rest of the Russian roaches to come flying out of their homes, though. For the next twenty minutes, nothing but bullets and bloodshed could be seen; then, I got the call that made this mission a hell of a lot more personal.



Milosh had broken down the back door of the compound and easily took out men in the kitchen, dining room, and the hallway before anyone else was notified. One-by-one, it seemed as though we were making progress. I had killed at least fifteen men by now, and we were clearing what seemed liked room after room searching for my parents.

"CLEAR!" Jagger called out.

"CLEAR!" Milosh called out right after.

"CLEAR!" I called out in the final room.

Our team has now cleared all the rooms on the three main floors. It is evident that whatever the Russians were using this place for, was a fail. The soldiers here didn't have adequate weapons nor defense skills. I was following Milosh back to the main entrance to meet up with Lincoln when out of nowhere, a Russian jumped out from behind a couch. He had a gun in his hand that no one saw, and before anyone could react, he pulled the trigger and fired the gun right into Milosh's chest.

At the sound of the gun going off, Jagger instinctively unloaded the rest of his clip into the guy's chest, but it was too late, Milosh was already down and bleeding.

"MILOSH!" I let out a bloodcurdling scream.

"Milosh, you're gonna be okay!" I rambled again and again as I pulled a knife from my pocket.

Quickly, I sliced layer after layer of clothing, trying to find the bullet hole.

"Lincoln, Milosh has been shot," Jagger called over the walkie.

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