Chapter Sixty-Four

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"Milosh, you're gonna be alright!" My hands began shaking as I applied pressure to the bullet wound in his chest.

Somewhere in between Milosh getting shot and me searching for the bullet wound, Lincoln showed up.

"Jagger, you take six of the guys and get Milosh to the car. Med is waiting for a mile down the road. The rest of us are moving to the basement." Lincoln called out, all calm, cool, and collectively.

"See Milosh; I told you," I said as I looked into his eyes.

"Little one, it has been a good ride, and I am grateful that I got to ride it with you, but my wife and daughter are waiting for me." Milosh began gasping for breath in between each word as I kneeled there, squeezing his hand in mine.

"Don't you dare talk like that! Do you hear me! You said you would be with me until this mission is done, and it's not!" I was scream-crying to him as his eyes slowly started to close.

"ALAIYAH! HE HAS TO GO!" Lincoln screamed out as he pulled me away from Milosh.

Quickly, the guys picked up Milosh's now limp body and headed for the car as my eyes met Lincoln's.

"Pull your shit together, do you hear me?!?" Lincoln was screaming in my face as he jerked me back and forth by my shoulders.

"Now is not the time for you to lose your shit. We have a mission to complete, and no one is babysitting you. Now take this—" He cocked a loaded gun and pushed it into my hands, "And follow me! I don't need you getting lost!" he finished as he pulled out another loaded handgun.

The next part of the story was all just a blur to me. With each step I took, I became numb. The world around me began to slow down, and Commands that were being shouted seemed to fly by my ears. Somehow though, my body knew what to do and where to go. I vaguely remember we were clearing holding cells and rooms in the basement when I entered one alone. And that's when I saw him.

"Put your hands up, slowly!" I demanded as anger filled my core.

"I said, PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" I yelled again as he refused to obey the first time.

Slowly he began to obey my command and raised his hand above his head.

"Turn around slowly!" I commanded.

Step by step, his body turned, and I was met with the face of the truest devil. The devil who took my parents, who haunted my dreams, who most-likely killed my best friend. The devil who went by the name Santiago.

"Hello, Mi Amor." A sick grin began to appear in his face as he spoke.

"I missed you." His eyes took on a dark, almost black hue as he gazed at me.

"I'm glad you could make it. I have something special for you." His voice remained calm as I kept my gun pointed at him.

"I just want you to know that everything I have planned for you, would have been avoided had you just been a good wife and came with me. Now, your mom is a whore, your father has been almost beaten to death, and that pig that you fucked is going to be next." He was taunting me, trying to get into my head.

Little did he know that I had something planned, too, something I planned from the moment I decided not to let these fucking men control my life anymore. Then the more that Santiago spoke, the more the rage grew in me till I couldn't control it anymore. And that's when it happened. I unloaded the entire clip into Santiago's chest, all thirteen rounds. For the first time in my life, someone else's blood was solely on my hands, and my fate as a Mafia Wife was most-likely sealed. I was now the person who was solely responsible for killing my dreams, cause no matter how much I wanted out of this life, I was now in too deep.

With each bullet I fired, though, I began to feel again, and the fear just dissipated from within me. It wasn't until Lincoln wrapped me in his arms, though, that it all sank in.

"I got you," he whispered to me repeatedly as I held onto him for dear life.

As much as I hated it, Lincoln really became a lifeline to me. He was there when I was hurting, he was there when I DID the hurting, he was there for me to love and hate, and he was there to give love and hate. It was there, in that moment of him loving and protecting me that I realized the thing that was going to change my life even more.

I tilted my head up, so my eyes met his and that is when I said the words, I never thought I would.

"Lincoln Gabriel Costello, I-I you." A smile began to creep across Lincoln's face as he leaned his head down to mine.

"I love you too, Mio Amore... but there is something you have to see," he whispered as he kissed my forehead.

Curiously, I followed him as he led me by my hand to another room.

"Where are we going?" I whispered.

"You will see." He whispered back.

"Are my parents okay?" The mission had just dawned on me again, and as I asked him, Lincoln stopped in his tracks.

"Your mother is pregnant." He whispered, his eyes looking everywhere but at mine.

"I don't know what's going on, though; they are on the way to med now." He whispered again.

"Pregnant? Like growing a baby pregnant?"

"Si, Mio Amore." He rolled his eyes as I stood there, stunned.

"Anyways, come on in," He gestured as he pulled a heavy door open.

Following the lead of his left hand, I slowly entered the room and saw eight guards standing around in shock. As I walked deeper into the room, I saw the backs of two women sitting on the couch.

"What's going on in here?" I asked, making my presence known.

That's when the two women turned around simultaneously, causing my mouth to drop.

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