Chapter Twenty-Nine

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In the moment, it was like we were in a war of emotions, challenging to see who would break the tension first. Lincoln's gaze fell from my eyes to my lips as a hesitant look appeared on his face, almost as if he was debating whether kissing me would be worth the risk. The longer I starred at the look on his face, the guiltier I felt. In reality, we both haven't given each other a chance to get to know one another.

Maybe I could possibly learn to like him... fuck it, YOLO! I shrugged to myself.

A wave of courage surged through me, and the next thing I knew, my lips were closing the distance between us, before my mind or the rest of my body could react. I could tell by the way Lincoln's body tensed up that he was shocked by my actions, but as quickly as he tensed, he relaxed. Lincoln then began to intensify the kiss, his lips fighting for control over mine. With each passing second, his kisses became more possessive and demanding.

He then began to stroke my arm, which sent shivers radiating from my spin to the rest of my body. The small gasp that escaped my mouth led to him explore even more of my body as he awkwardly positioned himself over me in the plane seat, making sure never to break the kiss. Finally, he moved his hand to the small of my back, pulling me as close to him as he could get without him losing his balance. In the randomness of the moment, a tired voice filled the air.

"Ooo! Lincoln and Alaiyah sitting in a... plane! K-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes a contract, then comes the marriage, then comes Lincoln with a baby carriage!" Luca teased with his schoolboy anticks, triggering Lincoln to punch him in the arm.

"Ow... what the hell Lincoln?!" Luca whined out, pretending to be hurt.

"Mind your own fucking business, and you wouldn't get hurt." Lincoln chuckled, lifting himself off me to play fight Luca some more.

"MiNd YoUr Own BuSiNeSs..." Luca mocked, falling into his seat, the result of Lincoln shoving him after learning over the back of Lucas chair.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Caption speaking. Please put your seats in the upright position and refasten your seat belts. Trays should be locked, and all electronics should be turned off as we prepare for landing. Thank you." The pilot made the announcement just in time to prevent retaliation by Luca. Lincoln took his seat and put on his seatbelt.

I couldn't figure out how to adjust my belt, so Lincoln helped me do it before clipping it into place. Lexi, the flight attendant from before, began to make her way down the aisle. He woke up Lincoln's parents, before adjusting the seat, the Lincoln was initially in. She then made her way to the back of the plane while checking to make sure everyone was okay. Seeing her made me realize how rude I was to her earlier due to the very actions of the man I kissed. As she reached our seats. I lifted my finger to grab her attention.

"How may I help you?" she leaned in with a smile plastered on her face.

"I just wanted to apologize for my actions earlier. I was mad at this one over here, and I took it out on you, and that wasn't right to do." My thumb pointing at Lincoln as a look of surprise washed over Lexi's face.

"Thank you, but I completely understand. It is not the first time this fuck up put someone in a grump mood. Hell, he does it to Mr. Costello on a daily basis. I'm just surprised that whatever happened on the Tarmac back in New York didn't result in Mr.Costello chocking the shit out of him." Lexi joked, and she raised a brow to Lincoln.

"That is because mom whooped that ass." A very quiet Gianna chimed in, causing the back of the plane to erupt in laughter.

"Well, I have to go take my seat now. I will see you all once we land." Lexi said as she walked away.

Gianna went back to resting her eyes, and all fell quiet as I looked out the window to see the city of Chicago becoming bigger and bigger as our plane descended towards the landing strip for touch down.

Lincoln's voice broke the silence as he began speaking to me.

"We are all going to my parent's house. You will be staying there till Sunday." He informed, clearing his throat at the mention of our impending doom.

"Where are you staying?" my curiosity getting the better of me.

"I will be in New York for a few days; then, I will be joining you." He said, reminding me the Santiago is somewhere out there lurking.

As I looked out the window again, the day suddenly seemed more gloomy. The sun was now hidden behind a darkened cloud, and the unspoken worry that once filled the air returned. I was now no longer was surrounded by the comfort that Lincoln strangely provided. Instead, now surrounded by the thought that I was going to be by myself in a house full of people I barely knew while watching my back with every everywhere I went. I guess Lincoln felt the worried energy I gave off as he placed his hand on my leg and gave it a squeeze.

"Remember Amore, Luca is going to be staying with you at the house, along with our men. They all have strict orders, not to leave you alone. I apologize in advance for the suffocation your sassy ass might feel, but I won't change them." He joked as he placed his arm around the back of my neck, pulling me towards him before planting a kiss on the side of my forehead.

"We can get through this if we work together," he was now holding up his pinky in front of me.

Understanding his signal, I held my pinky out and intertwined it with his in a silent pact to work together, each of us kissing our hand before letting go.

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P.S: By popular demand, I will be uploading new chapters, one at a time. I will still upload multiple throughout the week, but it is also easier for editing. Thank you to all who voted!

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