Chapter 3-Same school?

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<<<<Cosmina as Julien clarie-above>>>

.... EDITED...

<<<In Westville High school >>>
"Well someone is on cloud nine today"Cosmina said joining Nika who was walking to her locker.

Cosmina leaned on the locker beside Nika's own watching her best friend. Cosmina hasn't being to school for a week and half she spends her days with Jaxtyn. She still doesn't know if they are official... Like a couple or whatnot.

"Where have you being for the past week and a half"Cosmina asked again

"You know just hanging out"Annika shrugged like it was normal as to breathe air.

"Nika you just don't hang?.. In fact you don't really have that much friends well except Kenzo Crosslin and I, I don't think you have any more friends. Annika raise her brows up as if trying to argue with that fact.

"Ok fine I was hanging with a guy I like.... You see there I said it"Cosmina looked at Nika like she had grown 5 heads with horns.

"You got back with Kenzo?"she asked and didn't bothered to hide her shock "wait Kenzo was in school last week.. In fact he was even looking for you.. So how were you hanging with him while he was looking for you?"she asked getting herself really confused

"Well maybe if you let me explain you did understand what am tryna say"Annika said closing her locker.

"All student pls report to the assembly hall in 10mins"the Vice principal announced

"Aaargh what does she want again"Cosmina groaned while Annika nudged her to get going.
"Come on I will tell you during the announcement and I wonder what she wants to say"

"Who knows maybe her retirement"Cosmina said. Annika looked at her

"You hate that woman's guts I see?"They got to the assembly room.

"Thank you all for coming teachers students and janitor"their head Ms Kambalie started"some of you make think this is a weird calling or some of you may think I came here to announce my retirement"she says.

Cosmina looked at Annika.

"You see she is a fucking witch"Cosmina said giving the vice principal "the look". Annika raise her brows up and stared at Cosmina

"C'mon you are a sorcerer there is a difference"she says annika just shook her head"so Nika what have you being doing for a week and a half who have you being hanging with"

"Oh yh well um... There is this guy he is so hot black hair black eyes that you can stare into like forever like jeez.. His name is jax-"annika was saying but was interrupted

"Sssssshhhhh and listen to the principal" a girl in cocoa hair and a nerdy glasses said Annika and Cosmina flicked the finger at her. But still turned to the talking principal

"So without further information and so we can all get to our classes our new student is Jaxtyn Massoumoux"

Annika froze staring at the guy she has being hanging with for a week and a half. She didn't notice Cosmina shaking her shoulders.

Annika and Jaxtyn eyes found each other.... Annika was surprised to see him here even for fact that she was with him the previous day and he never said anything to her about coming to her school.

She wouldn't be surprised if he had the same timetable with her

"Nika Nika you were saying something his name is Jaxtyn"Cosmina said shoving Nika's shoulders obviously she didn't hear what the principal already said. Annika didn't take her eyes off Jaxtyn, she held Cosmina finger bending it a little at the effect Cosmina winced in pain Annika forcefully turned Cosmina to the platform she pointed to Jaxtyn

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