Chapter 29- Formation

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~I certainly believe that what we perceive as humans is just the tip of the iceberg. I don't necessarily believe in vampires or werewolves or that kind of thing, but I believe there is definitely a realm we don't necessarily have access to.~Alan Ball










After Neytiri's visit she stayed because my dad had told her to stay. I already told them what I felt that night and all, it was the same with what they planned, the fight was in 5 days time. We have being practising, well I have being practising more with Jaxtyn too since he was my guardian, he trains me on my wolf side, we try our best to maintain it as teacher to student. Note the key word. "try". Mom and Cosmina train me on the vampire aspect and Mama trains me on sorcery

But in the middle of the night I combine all of them trying to use them in all, though it is dangerous I still had to  try to do it.

"you are not doing it Tiri!!!!" Crosslin shouted as Neytiri walked away from him

"I can't stay behind and do nothing"

"keeping Caius, staying in Boetia is far more than enough"

"what about keeping my park safe? huh" she stated "what about keeping my friends safe" she said pointing to us

"aaawn she called us her friend" Juniper chirped in. I just glared at her and she mouthed sorry

"what about keeping you safe?" she whispered and Crosslin visibly softened "I want to be with you Crosslin don't you get it? I don't want to be away worrying about you i want to fight along side with you"

"Crosslin, am In no place to tell you what to do with you mate" Kenzo said "but she wants to be with you, I know you feel she is not able to protect her self, even I if I had the chance to lock Juniper up just to prevent her from going to the fight I would-"

"hey!!" she said smacking his arse, he didn't say anything at first but Juniper gasped and buried her head in the pillow mumbling something about get out of my head or something.

"so dude if she wants to fight along with you let her" he said. Crosslin stared at Neytiri and nodded, she smiled and she kissed him there and then. These aren't afarid to kiss in front of nobody 

"well am off" I said 

"to where?" Cosmina and Jaxtyn asked

"oh sorry mom and dad am going to train" I said sarcastically

"don't you think you are stressing your self?" Juniper asked looking worried every one glared at her and if i didn't know any better I did say they are keeping something from me.

"what? we are just going to pretend that we don't know what she does in the middle of the night?"

I gulped on hearing that

"guys its no big deal OK I can handle myself"

"yeah right that's why you wake Rodavan up to give your dark magic to sustain your self through the day while you wear yourself out at night" Juniper said

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