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~One is Evil: It is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self pity, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.

Another is good: It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

Which wolf wins?...which one do you feed on most?












"No!!!" I heard someone scream and heard my room door slam open.

"What is it Novah?"

"why don't you take a look for your self?" she said shoving her crystal ball at me. The image of sleeping beauty was fading slowly but not before her eyes opened.

"what??!!! How did this ever happen"

"Its that canis lupus. I don't know how long he has being in the house but all I know is that he brought her back"

"And you just sat there watching?" I asked slapping her with the back of my right hand. Groaning against the pain. She staggered up to her feet, spitting out the minimal blood.

"of-of course i didn't. I didn't see him, because apparently he has probably being there for who knows how long, then i saw him enter her room thats it"

"and you didn't bother to keep the spell up?"

 "I did but like i told you, her guardian is a sorceress which makes m magic weaker than a mustard seed you should have all the damn sorceress!!" she shouted storming out of the room.

Cauis daughter has cause more problem than necessary.



"Jaxtyn?" I called out. i felt really dazed "am i dreaming? mom I saw my mom"

"she-she' right here if you want to talk" he said making me whip my hair around and i just realized everyone was her in the room.

talk about rowdiness.

"mum?...mum!!!!!!" I said wrapping my arms around her as she breathed my scent.
"Grand pa mom is back" I said turning to Soren and i could see the happiness in his eyes.

he chuckled lightly "I know" he said kissing mum's head and eventually turned to me "stop calling me grand pa its weird"

I smiled and shook my head "really?" I said laughing a little, I turned and saw a guy or um.. a manly man man beside Annalise. did she get a boyfriend?

"um who is he?"

"I am Alden young Tribrid"

"oh that explains nothing? please try explaining more"

"lets just say i had a part in waking you up, am a canis lupus and m mate is your wolf"

"wait what??!!" I asked and just nodded

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