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#Lone wolf

I am here though you can not see me,

I can touch though you can not feel me,

I am alone, and you are many, I wander

place no human eye can imagine,

I am an independent soul and spirit,

I travel as one, I am lone wolf,

What do i search for? How about a home,

 A family, A pack of my own,A nice peaceful den,
Filled with hope that i can and shall live to see

another frost bitten day,

 Another dark sky littered with stars ,

 I am the lone wolf, and maybe someday

I will hurt with the pack and be with my family again.

 ~Barb Sutton.


Annika has being laying down for four days, at least she is breathing, she looks more peaceful. If i didn't know better i would let my self believe she was sleeping, but yes she way in a sleep like death. I trailed my fingers on her cheeks, she has being through hell lot just because she is tribrid. Leaving her humanity, then becoming a sorceress, just at the same day finding out that she is the tribrid meant to kill a bloody millennium wolf who wasn't even meant to be alive if not for those selfish witches. 

How many times has she collapsed how many days has she spent away to an unknown world looking for answers to Axels madness and now these?

I thought all the witches were killed during the last battle according to the tale my dad told us so who is this mystery witch and how did she know about Annika. I gently placed my hands on her to deep in thought i didn't notice the mark that was on my palm glow white.

"Jaxtyn?" someone whispered beside me

I looked up from my sleeping mate.

"yes?" i answered then noticing that Coren was also with her. Two great minds and rain working together to solve my complicated mate puzzles. 

"it might be true" Coren said.

"what might be true?" I asked instead of answering he placed my marked hands on Annika's own and it began glowing. I quickly snatched my hands back.

"what the hell"

"you are her guardian protector" Coren said.

"her what now?"

"maybe its best we bring everyone to say it"

"am not leaving her side"

"then they have no choice but to come to you" Coren said


we were still staring at each other blankly, but she recovered first. 


"mom?" I asked. How did she know my name? i thought she wasnt there on my birth. oh ok maybe she told Annalise to give me the name, I didnt really care.

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