Chapter 9- Fight with brother

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I arrived at Boetia groaning, and slurping as I was walked. What the hell did that girl do to, isn't that the Astaril girl

Novah said she was human. Then what the hell did she do to me. She practically shifted all my bones to where they are clearly not meant to be. I need to know about that girl.

I can't have a little she-devil who can cost me pain by just looking into her eyes roam around France.

"Novah!!!"I boomed around Boetia. My voice circulated around the place making it still and quiet. I had power to still the torment going on.  Boetia had the cries of the few unfortunate supernaturals from my last war.

My attack on silver shash park

The wonderful cries if pain and sorrow were like music to my ears.

"Novah!!!! Where are you". I shouted again making Boetia shake up a little. I was using my last strength to call on her and She was gonna pay.

Novah appeared and I fell down on the floor feeling to weak to stand anymore

"Where. Have. You. Being"I said drawing breathes as I said each word. Novah rushed to me surprised at my sudden weakness and fall.

"I was keeping tabs on the tribrid. Wh-what happened to you"she ask, knowing I am coming from the moon walker park and this has never happened before. I screamed again in agony. Why was I still hurting even when I wasn't close to her.

"Help. Me"I breathed hard. She knelt beside me and did her little incantation. She crease her brows and continued going faster and louder and little blood dripped from her nose. I screamed loudly. Spitting out thick red-black blood.
          What the hell

She moved her hand from my head to my toes and the pain was gone I felt whole again.she wiped her bloody nose clean and stood up. 

"Whoever did this to you is very strong like a sorce—"she said and paused mid way turning her back on me. "It can't be possible"she gasped. Having control my breathing,

I made a swift move and grabbed her neck hitting her hard against the wall. Blood streamed from the left side of her forehead. I shook her violently.

"Stop Axel I can't breathe"she said trying to get my hands off her neck but failing woe fully.
I grudgingly dropped her like rags. I was still made my wolf Grenade mad with anger. He couldn't take the embarrassment of seeing the pleasure in the Massoumoux siblings.  Novah was still choking on the ground.

I turned and kicked her towards the far end of the room. She landed splattered on the wall, she groaned slightly and opened her eyes she saw I was very mad and flowing with rage and anger.

I went full speed on her, but she quickly shielded her her with a force field. I kept on hitting and pounding on it knowing she won't be able to hold it up much longer because of how weak she was.

"Axel pls stop, you are going to kill me before you will be able to find the tribrid and without me you won't find her cause am the only witch left in France. Axel please"she pleaded.

And I stopped there was something about pleading that gets me to forgive immediately. That's why I don't torture my prisoners, I leave the torturing for Novah and the grimors.

She let down her force field but still held her hands up incase I was going to attack again.

"Why?"she choked out

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