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{P.S this part is filled with pictures, its not complusry to view them I just felt I should put this here}

"For me, becoming isn't about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn't end."
― Michelle Obama, 








<<Jaxtyn>> {surprise!! ;-) }

Annika wanted this every humanly way as possible, but later agreed to add a little wolf mating ceremony. Only supernaturals where invited, no school friends or anything like that. Every where was busy and everyone, littered the hallway. 

Annika decided to have the wedding in her fathers garden, it was big and wide and she wanted it to be there because it would be the last time she would live with her father. Though she could still come back, she had rights and duties to fill in my pack. She was soon to be luna my luna 

"dude you ready" Kairo said coming inside

"don't tell me you are getting cold feet?" Coren added smoothing his suit.

"don't worry she isn't going to run away" Rodavan said sipping the wine in his hands

"Way to make me feel better" I muttered

"besides how would she run?with the swollen belly" Coren snickered and  shoot him a death glare which he choose to ignore

"common put on your suit" Rodavan said handing me my blue tailcoat suit. Annika wanted the wedding colour theme blue, so we got every shade we could find.

Jaxtyn suit below

Glancing at myself in the mirror I added gel into my hair combing it sleek back and left it to dry up

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Glancing at myself in the mirror I added gel into my hair combing it sleek back and left it to dry up. Wore my Rolex wristwatch and grabbed the rings in the box and gave it to Kairo since his little girl was our little bride.



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