2. Rehearsal

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Ciara's POV
3 days later

  Today is the day I rehearse my scene with Jace. My past scenes have been with everybody else but him; so to finally rehearse the scene where Henry saves Cara (my character) from the burning building, is more than exciting.
  The platform was set up. I was standing on a 10 foot table that was going to be camera edited so that it would look like a burning building.

  Everything was going as planned. We were getting ready to go through with this scene when suddenly the table I was standing on was starting to wobble.

"Uhhh" I said as I was starting to crouch down a little bit, practically squatting.
"Stand up straight" the director said in a firm voice.
I stood up, and just hoped nothing bad happened. I didn't want to embarrass or hurt myself in front of Jace, who was in full costume and whose eyes were fixed on the wobbly table leg.

I looked up at the ceiling and began to take a deep breath. As I did that, I heard a snap.

The rest was nearly a blur. Within moments, I felt my body falling forwards and someone catching me. My eyes were squeezed shut as I was trying to brace myself for injury, but nothing happened ?

I opened my eyes and saw Jace looking down at me, he was the one that caught me.
"You're lighter than I thought you'd be" Jace said while cracking a smile.

I didn't know weather to take that as a compliment or not, so I just smiled back and got on my feet.

I thanked Jace as the director came over to see if I was okay. He offered me a more stable table to stand on.

I had been sitting in my dressing room for a good 15 minutes when I heard a knock on my door. I freaked out and quickly jumped out of my sweats. I put on a jean skirt and a black tub top. During that, the person knocked again.

"I'm coming" I yelled as I slipped into my fuzzy black ugg slippers.

Right before opening the door, I looked into the mirror and shook my head so that my hair wouldn't look so flat. I smiled and checked to see if there was anything left in my teeth from the salad I had earlier.

I finally sighed, and decided I looked ready enough to face Jace.

I opened the door and saw that I got ready for nothing.

Riele was there, smiling at me with a bouquet of flowers in her hands.

"Hey Riele!" I said in a confident voice, with [what I hope was] a heartwarming smile.

"Hey girl!" Riele said. "I wanted to talk. Here" she continued as she handed me the bouquet.

"So if you haven't noticed, we're the only two black girls on set, isn't that cool?"

"Yeah! That's pretty cool" I said, going along with Riele

"And we're about the same age, I think?" Riele said, I assumed she was asking how old I was.

"I'm 16, and you?" I asked her.
"I'm 16 too! So we are the same age" Riele said, her voice lighting up with her face

"Alright cool, so what are you saying?"
"What I'm saying is maybe we could become friends? Like best friends? On and off set" Riele said.

"Oh, I'd love that!" I said, super excited.
"Great! But I've got to go, so here's my number" Riele said as she handed me a piece of paper
"See ya"

   And with that she left my room. I put my ear against my door so that I could hear her walk away. Instead I heard a male voice from a distance. I wasn't exactly able to make out who it was at first, but do I know that I heard him ask if "she said yes" and then I heard Riele's voice, who was still nearby but was slowly becoming distant say "yes she did".

   It was obvious that it was about me, but I didn't know if it was Jace or Sean or some other male on set. I also wasn't sure why they wanted to know if I agreed to being Riele's best friend. I continued to listen and I started to hear the male voice more clearly, but it seemed that they were now using code. It was definitely Jace, but because they were using phrases like "the magic moon has sailed on the titanic" and "the oblivious pizza bit the snake tail", I wasn't able to get what they were saying.

  When I got home that night I showered, braided my hair and headed to my room. I called my friend Kyla and told her all about my journey so far. I had promised Kyla I'd FaceTime her every other day, or whenever I had the chance. So far, I've lived up to that promise.

I started talking to Kyla about Jace and she interrupted me.

"He definitely likes you" Kyla said

"No way! Maybe he's just being nice" I replied

"Oh please Ciara, why would Riele randomly have flowers for you? What importance would you as a small role be to her? And who asks to be best friends?" Kyla asked laughing "First of all, I'm your best friend for life".

"Yeah, I found that to be pretty weird" I said "but maybe it's because her and I are the only black girls on set. She could just be trying to make a good first impression" 

"Girl there are millions of black people in California! She's a well known actress, many people would love to be her friend" Kyla said

"True, but maybe she saw something in me?" I responded. At this point I felt a little defeated, all of Kyla's points so far were incredibly strong. Maybe I do have a chance with Jace.

"She gave you her number right?" Kyla asked, changing the subject.

"Yes she did. Should I text her?"

"Yes girl!" Kyla said. " She could be with Jace right now, or even better she could give him your number"

My face lit up at the possibility of that

"Look at you, smiling wide like a mischievous child" Kyla said laughing. "I gotta go wash the dishes but I refuse to leave until you text her and get a response, so do it and let me know what happens"

I texted the phone number Riele gave me.
"Just did it" I said to Kyla

Riele responded almost instantly. She said hello and then asked if I wanted to be in the official Henry Danger cast group chat.

I told Kyla what Riele said.
Kylas response was "You better do it!"

"I told her to add me " I said
"Good. But I gotta go now. You know how my mom gets about those dishes" Kyla said

   We both laughed at what Kyla said, then said our goodbyes and she hung up. I put my phone on the counter and waited for Riele's response. I looked up at my ceiling fan and sighed, I can't believe this is my life, I'm living a dream come true.

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