36. Forbidden Feelings

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Riele's POV

Ciara was right, I was growing feelings for Jace. I know, it wouldn't make sense because he's like a brother to me, and I also helped him get Ciara back. But I guess just seeing him struggle and come to me for comfort made me like him. The worst part is, this isn't my first time liking Jace.

I didn't want to admit it, so instead I was mean to him and Ciara. I started the rumor in hopes to cause conflict between them, hoping that maybe they might break up.

But all of this made me realize how strong their relationship really was. They understood that it wasn't one against the other, but that it was them against the problem. The only way that they'll ever break up, is if one of them directly creates a problem. I know I'll have to do something huge to get Jace to forgive me, just like he had to with Ciara.

Truth is, I'm jealous of Ciara. I've known Jace since I was 13 years old, yet this new girl comes in not even a full year ago and Jace is head over heals about her. He gave her a chance without even knowing who she was, which I felt wasn't fair. In the four years that I've known him, I've had a crush on Jace seven different times.

I guess I never let Jace know how I really felt because I thought I had no chance. All of Jace's past girlfriends are white. If I tried with Jace and got rejected, I wouldn't know what to do. So seeing Ciara have a chance with him gave me hope, but it also gave me some intense jealousy.

What made her better than me? Was it because her hair was longer than mine? Was it because her teeth were perfect? Was it because of the way her hips sway when she walks? Was it because of her angelic tone of voice?

The more I thought about it, the more mad I got. When I first met Ciara, I thought she was a cool, laid back girl. Now, I want to tear her apart. I can't though, because whenever I try I struggle, and now I'm convinced she'll just jump me if I tried to fight her.

My eye was still ugly, and I got grounded by my parents. They didn't even ground me for fighting Ciara, they grounded me because I lost. How was I supposed to win though? Two girls were on me, and even though it was only for a minute or two, it felt like forever.

When you black out in a fight, it's like you don't even feel it. I was blacked out at first, when it was just Ciara and me. But once Kyla came out of nowhere and yanked me by the hair, I felt it. I felt ever single punch from Kyla, every single kick to the ribs from Ciara, and sheer embarrassment.

I understand that Sean dates Suzy, and Jace dates Ciara, but I've been there longer than them both. Why is it that they get put before me? Having to pull up to Ciara's house myself, and seeing them both there with her hurt.

Ciara DesPones, you've met your match.

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