17. Creepy Fanmail

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Ciara's POV

Everyday life seems to get better. I'm slowly working my way up the celebrity rankings. I was once a normal kid doing normal things, and now I'm being invited to all sorts of parties and functions.

The Kids Choice Awards really helped me. Winning 'best female reoccurring role' was a dream come true. Even better, was getting to kiss Jace on stage in front of thousands. God is seriously answering each and every single one of my prayers.

I was just thinking about everything, when I realized I was still laying in bed doing nothing. I quickly hurried out of bed as I realized today was fan mail day.

'Fan mail day' is basically every other Saturday. My mom goes to the mailbox after the company that receives my fan mail [so that fans don't know my address] drops it off and grabs all the things in it. Typically I receive so much fan mail that my mom takes a whole house to sift through it, looking for her mail.

However today would be different. My mom was having a girls day with her friends, so I was home alone for the day. That meant I'd have to grab the fan mail and sift through it myself, fun.

I put my hair up and opened the side door. I saw a bunch on boxes and packages with my name on it. Occasionally I'd have mail like that, but usually it was just letters or simple small gifts.

I didn't tend to the bigger mail until I grabbed all the letters out of the mailbox. I went to the kitchen to drop off all the mail. When I went back outside, I decided to play 'eeny, meeny, miny, moe' with the boxes to figure out which box I should bring in first.

I stopped halfway when I noticed one box that had colorful tape all over it. It definitely caught my eye, and I was now pretty interested in that box specifically. I picked it up and put it in the living room. Then, I quickly ran back and brought the other boxes to the kitchen.

"Let's see" I said to myself as I used a kitchen knife to break the tape off the box.

I opened the box and saw a dozen and one letters. I moved some letters to the side and saw a emerald green necklace. Along with the letters and necklace were pictures of Jace and I, all off guard or from behind.

Suddenly, I felt weird inside. I hadn't read the letters yet, but I had a bad feeling about this box. This wasn't like typical fan mail. Occasionally girls jealously write me letters about Jace, but it's always something simple and in an envelope.

I started to get paranoid. I knew nothing surreal was happening, but I guess I'm just an anxious wreck or something. I opened every window in the living room before reading any letters.

Finally I picked up one letter. This letter seemed particularly shorter than all the others.

"To my lady: Ciara DesPones,
I've taken a liking to you. You seem to have a mysterious side that I'm dying to learn more about. Also, I'll be the one to tell you that Jace isn't worth it. I was friends with Jace once, he is a selfish, inequitable young man. But don't worry my dear Ciara, I'll see you again soon. And one day, Jace won't be in between us.
Your biggest fan."

My jaw literally dropped. I could not believe what I just read. Was this some type of joke? Was one of the cast members just trying to spook me?

I had to tell Jace what was going on. There's no way I would be able to sleep tonight if I didn't.

Jace's POV

I had just finished eating breakfast when I got a incoming FaceTime call from Ciara. Interesting, Ci never calls me in the morning.

"What's up?" I asked as I answered.
"Jace! Are you okay?" Ciara asked me.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Hello to you too" I replied, laughing.

"Jace seriously, how are you?" Ciara asked me.
"I'm good, is everything okay on your side?" I asked, kind of confused at why Ciara seemed so panicky.

"I need you to come over right now. I promise I'll explain more when you get here" she replied.

Going over Ciara's house with her mom out of town? Don't gotta tell me twice.


I knocked on Ciara's door, and as soon as she opened it, she pulled me into a hug. Of course I hugged her back, but I really wanted to know what was going on, so I pulled out of the hug so that we could talk.

I looked her in the eyes. Her brown eyes seemed scared, like she knew something.

"Are you okay?" I slowly asked her. I knew for sure that something wasn't right with Ciara, but she seemed to be taking forever to just let me in on what it was.

She dragged me in the house and sat on the couch. "Sit" she said as she patted the cushion right next to her. Her movements were so odd, that even I was starting to get a little nervous.

When I sat down, she pulled a box close to us. She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me. "Read this" she said as she dipped her hands back into the box, rummaging through pictures.

The letter was from an admirer of Ciara's. They thought I wasn't good for her and said I'd be out of the picture soon. At this point, I was a little scared. What did that even mean? Was this a threat?

"And look at this" she said interrupting my thoughts. They were pictures of us off guard or from the back with dates on them. We lined them up until we got to the most recent date, which was the day of the Kids Choice Awards.

On the last picture, my face had red devil horns and a hairy Hitler mustache. I made a face at that and Ciara laughed.

"You find joy in my distress?" I asked.
"No but that picture was funny, and your reaction was priceless" she responded.


After about two hours, we finally went through all the letters and pictures that this person sent us. I took pictures of what I felt was important, and Ciara texted her mom letting her know what was up. Her mom told her to have me sleepover, and said she'd be getting security cameras installed soon.

At this point my mind was in jumbles. I was happy to be with Ciara alone, but I was also worried that I could be in grave danger. Ciara tried to assure me that we were fine in her house, but she didn't seem all too confident.

Ciara's POV

Jace actually seemed worried, I've never seen him like this. I told him we were fine, but honestly I didn't quite understand what was going on.

We were able to pick up a few things about this admirer guy through his letters: his age, his favorite color, some hobbies, and his home city. He wasn't from here, and he actually seemed like some regular kid that was just trying to play with us. Regardless though, I did not want to take risks.

The admirer gave me the necklace because he wanted me to wear it at the Celeb-Ball which takes place in two weeks. He said he would know if I wore it or not, so I decided I'm better off wearing it.

Who is this guy, and why does he want me?

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