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Song- Stupid Deep by John Bellion. The lyrics always remind me of Ben after TLJ, which makes me sad.

Rey- Six years later...

"Take a deep breath and close your eyes." Rey addressed her students that sat cross-legged on the grassy field in front of her.

Six years later, her number of pupils had grown from two to ten, making her much busier than before.

Rey walked around the group. "Feel the Force. Feel it flowing through the atmosphere, through this planet, through you."

She was met with a few grunts of frustration and a few sighs of relaxation.

A cheer broke the silence. "I felt it! Master Rey, I finally felt it!"

The twelve year old girl was met with a few glares as she muttered "Sorry."

Rey laughed. "Good job, Davi. How many of you feel like you've gotten this part down?"

Seven students raised their hands.

"Good! The rest of you will get it down in no time. When that happens, we'll move on to actually using the Force."

Rey glanced at the little boy with curly dark hair that was playing not too far from her group.

"That's it for today's lesson. Keep practicing, and I'll see all of you soon."

The students left, stopping to say thanks. Rey smiled and nodded before calling the boy.


Zander perked up before running to meet his mother.

At almost seven years old, Zander was starting to look more and more a miniature version of his father with each day.

His personality though, was very similar to his mother's.

"You're of the same heart" was how Ben liked to put it.

Zander greeted his mother with a hug. Rey knelt down, wrapping her arms around his small frame.

"Did you have fun?"

He shrugged. "I played with my ships.

Mom," He drew out her title as he pleaded with his large brown eyes.

Zander may have been born with Ben's face, yet he had her facial expressions.

And the Skywalker need for dramatic flare.

"When can I please train with you?"

"Zander." Rey's voice was gentle yet firm as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "We've talked about this.

I can't train you like I do my other students because your father and I want to do it together."

She tucked a piece of hair behind one of his ears. "Your time will come soon enough."

Zander hung his head in acceptance. "Okay."

Rey kissed him on the cheek. "I love you."

He grinned. "I love you too."

She stood up, taking her son's hand as they started to leave, yet stopped at the sight of someone in front of them.

Rey grinned. "Ben."

Zander's face lit up. "Dad!"

He let go of his mother's hand as he broke into a run.

Rey followed close behind.

Beyond the Stars: A Continuation of The Rise of Skywalker; A Reylo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now