Closing Thoughts

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Hey readers!

Well, that's a wrap on Beyond the Stars! This was my first Reylo fanfic, so I'm feeling a little sentimental right now lol. I started writing this six months ago because I was feeling depressed and upset on how TROS brought my beloved Star Wars franchise to an end, especially on how my beloved space babies were robbed. (#bensolodeservedbetter #reyloforever) I hope this fanfic cured your blues, as it certainly did mine!

As always, I have greatly appreciate all the comments and votes. Feel free to continue to do so as I love responding to what you guys write! An extra special thanks to @hey_its_bec, @gianabryne, and @Emu_Pro_Reads for their many comments and feedback! They always make my day!

There is a sequel that is in the beginning stages! Kind of obvious from the ending lol. It is going to be called "Saving What We Love", and the outline is currently being developed, so stay tuned! I have a lot of ideas for this one, and will certainly be going in different directions than most Reylo fanfiction does. Please don't hate me lol. 

Those that follow my account will be the first ones to be notified of its release!

As a special treat to my loyal readers, I decided to give you guys a first look at what the summary is going to be!

Ben and Rey Solo are happily married. They love their peaceful afterlife they have with their family. Then one day, someone unexpected turns up on Al Sed Dur, and the afterlife they know is threatened to fall apart.

Dun dun dun! Who do you think it is? Drop your guesses in the comments below!

Once again, thank you all! I can't wait to write some more for you guys. :)

Beyond the Stars: A Continuation of The Rise of Skywalker; A Reylo StoryWhere stories live. Discover now