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The night was cold and rainy on the planet Toshi, one of the many in the Afterworld.

Three men dressed in dark cloaks were huddled together in a booth towards the back of a grubby cantina.

Their heads were bent down as they sipped on their drinks so as not to draw attention to themselves as they grumbled in low voices.

"I'm telling you, gentleman." The first man spoke, stroking a hand through his gray beard. "The fact that Anakin Skywalker could be out there somewhere, living happily with the Senator my old master had mentioned he was attached to, makes my blood boil."

"I'm with you, Dooku." The second man chimed in, his dark eyes narrowing.

"All I can think about is hurting Luke Skywalker and that scoundrel Han Solo after the stunt they pulled outside Jabba's barge on Tatooine."

The third man chugged his drink before slamming his glass down on the table.

A few people turned their heads toward the noise, and the men pulled their hoods down.

"Keep it down, Hux!" The second man hissed.

"You know very well how we're not the most welcomed in these parts."

"I do know that, Fett, but I can't help but want to strangle someone at the idea of Kylo Ren being near me." Hux's pasty face was almost as red as his hair.

"I betrayed the First Order in hopes that he would go down with it, but no! The stupid Resistance scum gave me away, and I got shot before I could watch Ren go down in hell! Then, I find out later that my effort was all for nothing because he switched sides and helped the Resistance win! All for that filthy Scavenger he swore meant nothing to him! I swear, I'm going to make Kylo Ren pay!"

Hux clenched the table in front of him as Dooku patted his arm.

"It's the whole Skywalker family, and all those that are acquainted with them. They're so-"

"Entitled." Fett wrinkled his nose.

"Exactly, my friend. They think of themselves as the Force's gift to the galaxy." Dooku swigged some more of his drink.

"Sounds like they need to be taken down a peg."

A woman stood not that far from their booth, her black hood hung low over her face as long red hair peeked out from under it.

Hux snorted. "You have no idea."

"Oh I know perfectly well enough." She snarled. "As do my children."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

The woman pushed her hood back, revealing to the men her glittering emerald green eyes.

"My name is Mara Jade, and I'm going to make Luke Skywalker rue the day he ruined me."

The End

Word Count: 40,006

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