Chapter 4: The Start of Something New

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I jog down the hallways in search of Class 1A. I find a huge door that read 1A. I take a deep breath and swing the door open.

The majority of the girls were talking and leaning against the windows. A purple grape was sitting in his desk staring and drooling while looking at the girls. 

A kid with glasses was yelling at an angry pomeranian for having his feet on the desk.

A bird and Multiple Arms were talking. The sparkly kid was sitting in his seat. 

I decide to sit in the middle left. I sigh as I lay my drawstring bag under my desk so that no one could see it. 

"Hey, look! It's (Y/N)! The one with the crazy attack," A kid with a bolt imprinted in his blonde hair pointed to me. 

Almost everyone's attention turned to me. I shyly wave at all of them. I didn't make it here on my own though. Spikey helped me. I was off by two points and he gave me two of his by choice. I couldn't believe that someone would help me like that. We barely know each other. 

I mean, I would consider him a friend I guess.

The green-haired kid came up to me, "Hi, my name's Izuku Midoriya. Is it okay if I ask a few questions about your quirk?" He pulls a notebook and pen out of nowhere. I smile and nod. "First, what's your quirk called?"


He jots something down. "Okay, what can you do with your quirk."

"Oh, I can shoot webs out of both of my hands. I can swing from one object to another as long as if it's within forty-four feet. I can also make a net and, what I like to call, a Web Orb. A Web Orb is a giant handmade by my webs. I would gather my black webs to make a huge sphere of it. I can also use my feet to make a sticky substance on the floor, but I feel dizzy after I use it."

"What about that crazy attack thing that you used to hit me," the blonde kid asked.

"Oh, yeah. That was my- Wait, that was you? Are you okay? I didn't mean it I swear!" 

"Yeah, it's cool. By the way, my name's Denki Kaminari." 

Like... seafood?

"Um, that crazy attack was made by combining my electric currents in my veins with my webs. It's a strong attack, so I can't use my quirk afterward. Since I can't use my quirk after, I focus on close combat. I've been working on it for a while and I think I have mastered it. I haven't really come up with a name for the attack yet, but I'll be thinking about it."

I haven't been able to master the move because Father stopped helping me when Mom died. I've been learning how to use my quirk on my own ever since. 

"Wow! That's pretty awesome, (N/N)," Kirishima smiles and sets his stuff on the desk next to me. I smile. 

"Oh, and one last question, (Y/N). Why do you want to be a hero?"

It's the same question I've asked myself for many years. To be in the number one spot? No. To help my father? Yeah, I think that's it. "I guess to help my father. But I don't really know the real reason I'm here. I've been asking myself that question every day."  

"Okay, thank you, (Y/N)," Midoriya trots away, happy with the information he got. 

I turn to Kiri, "Oh, hey, Kiri! Did you get in too?"

"Yep! That's why I'm here right now," he chuckles.

"... I wanted to thank you."

"For what?"

"For giving me those two points. It means so much to me that it's really hard to put together in words." I also can't fully tell him. I just have this feeling that I can't. I don't know why.

"It's-" he starts, but my phone rings. 

The caller was my father. Oh, no. I hope he doesn't know I'm here. I mutter a sorry to Kiri. I hesitantly click Accept and bring the phone to my ear.  "H-hello?"

"Where are you," he screams into the phone. I wince and lower the volume. 

"Um... somewhere that's not home...?"

"You better get back here or else you are in big trouble, you despicable child." I hop out of my seat and go to the back of the room so that no one can hear the conversation. 

I take a deep breath, "I can't. I've already found a place where I feel like I belong and I've only been here for thirty minutes. I can sense that everyone here is kind people and they all mean well. They're friendly and each has a special part of them that makes an awesome classroom."

"You're at the disgusting hero school aren't you."

"Yes, but I am here not on my behalf but on yours. I am here to help because I care about you, Father. I also hope to find the answer to a question that I have been keeping with me for a while."

"Don't talk to me like you care about something because you don't. You only care about yourself and your own life instead of your Mother!" There is a small pause. I know what he means. "Next time you see me, you are going to be begging to come back home. And I will not rest until you are dead."

My eyes widen as he hangs up. 'Til I'm... dead...? 

"Hey, are you okay," Kiri suddenly appears by my side. He lays his palm on my forehead, "You feel warm."

"Yeah... y-yeah, I'm fine." I gently take his hand off of my head and walk back to my seat. 

I take my sketchbook and pencil out of my bag and open it to a blank page. I decided to draw a detailed version of a rose. I draw the stem and a few leaves on it. A few petals fall off of the rose. After five minutes, I lay my pencil on my desk and study the drawing to make sure there was nothing that looked weird or wrong. 

"Um, hi! By any chance, can I see that?" I look up to see a girl with short black hair had her hand out. I nod my head and hand it to her. She gingerly takes it and examines the drawing. She smiles and hands it back to me. "Your drawings are really good! Is it your hobby or something?"

"I guess so. Do you want me to make something for you?" Her eyes light up and she immediately nods her head. "What do you like?"

"Well..." She grabs her earplugs and shyly presses them together a few times, "Um... I like music. I like to sing and play  instruments, I guess."

"It's okay if you like music, ya know," I chuckle. "I like it too! By the way, my name is (L/N) (F/N)."

"I'm Kyoka Jirou."

"Can I hear you play or sing someday?"

She immediately blushes and pokes her plugs, "I mean, well. I guess it wouldn't be too bad of an idea. But, you know, uh... I'm kinda bad..."

"Oh, come on! I can tell you can sing and play!"

She smiles, "Oh, thanks! Um... bye," she waves and walks away. 

I smile. Like I told father I can tell everyone here is amazing... and then he said that it was my fault. I agree. 

"Mommy, mommy! Come on! I want to show you the froggy I saw earlier!" I tug my mother's hand as she stumbles along. 

"Okay, sweetie. Slow down for me."

And than... I heard the gunshot. 

I let go of my mother's hand and run away. I look back to try and see if she's okay. She's running after me. Another gunshot. Headed towards my mother. 

"Hello? Earth to (Y/N)! You here?" Kiri waves his hand in front of my face bringing me back to reality. 

I blink a few times. I look around. The whole class is looking at me including the teacher, "Huh? S-sorry." 

"As I was saying, whoever fails is expelled."

"WHAT," the whole class shrieks. I sigh. He's not going to expel someone on the first day... right?" 

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