Chapter 11: Night Breeze

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(Video does not belong to me!) Also, (cause I felt like being fun at 12:03 a.m.) I added a Big Hero 6 reference...

We walk back into the pub.

"Have you made your decision?" Kurogiri turns to us.

Bakugo and I glance at each other. He gives me a small nod. "Yes. We have chosen to join you, but you have to promise that you aren't going to attack UA, wake up Kiri, AND leave every single civilian in this town alone. Deal?" I cross my fingers behind my back.

They smirk, "Deal."

Geez, they're oblivious.


"Ya know, you could be any louder. Let's see if my eardrums burst," I grin.


I laughed and then turn to the villains. The villains snicker, "I'm surprised you kids didn't think that we were tricking you cause we did."

"Oh? Did we though," I smirk.

I threw a few webs at Kirishima and his motionless body races towards me. Bakugo grabs me by my waist and uses his quirk to get us out of there.

"We need to get to them," Mist Face screeches.

"Ah, don't worry about them. The Master Plan is in motion. They are the last thing we need to worry about. For now."

The cold wind tangles my hair and blew it away from my face. I held tightly to Kiri and to Bakugo, but I could feel my grip slowly loosening. The pressure was too much and Kiri was heavy. But we were high in the sky, above a few buildings. I stuff my face into his shoulder. 

"Bakugo, I can't hold on much longer," I strain. "Can you hold Kiri?"

"I can try," he says. 

"Alright, I am going to toss him in the air and you're gonna grab him, okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever. But I think you're forgetting something."

"Make it quick, dumb dumb."

"What about you?"

I sigh and toss Kiri in the air. Miraculously, the toss was high enough for Bakugo to grab him. I smirk at Boom Boom Face and dip my head to the floor. 

The wind rushed through my hair and my (E/C) eyes began to water. I waited until the ground was close enough. Aaaaand, thwip! I whip my webs to the stoplights. The momentum caused me to swing upwards. I released the web and looked at an unamused Bakugo.

"HOW'S THE WEATHER UP THERE," I shout to Bakugo. He rolls his eyes and lands on the roof of the building to the side of me. He gently lays Kiri on the ground and looks over the side of the building. 

I swing to the building and stuck to the glass wall by my hands and feet. I unstick my hands and run up the glass, watch Bakugo smiling at me stupidly. But I gotta admit, he can be cute when he's not angry. 

I smirk as I continue to run up the glass towards him. When I reach him, I grab his shoulders and push myself up and fall back towards the ground. I kept my eyes peeled to the cement street. My body was as fast as a rocket. I looked around the street a few people were gawking and a few had a scared expression on their faces. I smile to myself and throw my hood over my face and slightly pulled the strings. 

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