Chapter 7: I'm Right Here

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After Deku and Boom Boom Boy's intense battle and everyone else, it was me and Kyoka's turn. We were the last ones. 

"Next up, is team G as the heroes and team J as the villains," All Might announces. 

"Who's team J again?" Jirou whispers.

"I think it's Kirishima and Sero." This is going to be an interesting fight. Who knows how it'll end. I nervously trace circles on the top of my hand. 

She nods her head. 

After a few minutes of the villain team setting up and Jirou and I forming a plan. The time for us to fight starts. 

"Okay, remember the plan and their weaknesses," I say. 

I like to think of myself as observant and I am pretty sure I am.

I noticed that Spikey can only use his Hardening quirk for a certain amount of time. Maybe five to ten minutes or something like that. Kiri might also have some weak points. A small part of his body might not harden. Like his eyes or something. He also might not do a good job in close combat. His quirk could make his body heavier maybe and he might not be quick with his hits. 

Sero is strongest with his quirk when someone is far away from him. Far distance combat. He can't do well with close combat. If we can fight him using close combat, we might have a chance of bringing him down. He would also use his tapes to swing around the building. If he's smart enough, he could climb on the ceilings and leave us on the blindside.  

That's probably our weakness. Trying to see Sero if he's climbing on the ceilings. We'll have to keep a close eye out for him. 

All Might announces ten seconds left. 

"This might not mean anything to you now, but it'll mean something to you soon. Know your weakness. Your weakness can then become your strength. Use your weakness as your strength. Make it your ally." 

She tilts her head in confusion but nods her head. "And we are NOT going to lose to these guys, okay?"

I chuckle, "Okay."

"Start!" All Might yells. 

We run into the building and down a couple of dark corridors. Kyoka plugs her ear-jack into the wall. After a few seconds, she whispers, "One of them is upstairs and another around the corner." She points to the corner.  

"Alright, I've got the corner, you get the bomb. Just to double-check, are we capturing them or grabbing the bomb, right?"

"Getting the bomb." She runs down the hall, her ear-jacks following close behind. 

I look ahead of me and take a deep breath. Running down the hall, I see Kiri run out of his corner and glare at me. He gets in a fighting position. 

"Well, fighting time," I mutter. "This is gonna be fun."

Kiri takes the first move and charges at me, not bothering to activate his quirk. Smart move.

I jump at him and hit his arm that wasn't hardened. He pushes me to the floor. I look at his feet and tangle mine with his. Tangling his foot, I jump up while he slams to the floor. 

I jump on him. I lock my feet on his legs. I grab his hands with one arm and throw my other hand in the air and form it into a fist. I throw the fist at his face. Before it could hit it, he activates his quirk. My fist stops mid-air. He punches me in the stomach. He slips away from my grasp. 

I stumble to my feet. Lean on the wall for support, I grip my stomach.

"So... how's life, Shark Boy."

"Shark Boy?" He grabs my arm and jerks me to the floor. I manage to shoot both of my webs to the ceiling before I collided with the cold iron floor. "I've gotta be honest," he snaps my web off and slams me into the floor. "The names are rubbing on me. How do you manage to give me so many names?"

He throws his fist at my face but I move my head before it could touch my hair. I flip onto my feet. 

"I don't really know. It's just a specialty of mine I guess," I wipe some blood from my mouth. 

Kiri's eyes go wide, "Your blood... is black...." I take the opportunity and web his arms together. The strain makes me fall to the ground, along with Kiri. He manages to break the webs with his quirk catching himself before he could fall onto me. 

His face was inches from mine. For the first time, I saw the real color of his eyes. Precious red rubies that could gleam in the sun. The brightest, shiniest thing in the world. More beautiful than the sunsets. Shinier than diamonds. Brighter than the sun. 

I shake my head and flip him over. I shoot my webs and cling to the ceiling with my hands and feet. Turns out, there's a sticky substance on the bottom of my feet and palms for extra support when hanging onto walls. 

"Come on, Kiri. Give me a good fight and stand up. Whatever happened to being manly?" 

He blinks and jumps up. I shoot webs in the middle of us and swing. My feet collide with his chest sending him a foot away from my landing by a square window.  

"Kiri, you're caught off guard too much."

I turn to look at him. I sense a fist coming at me. I catch it mid-air with my right hand. Pain surged through my hand and I let go. I grip my hand tightly. I look into his eyes, only to find them black, not red. Kiri took the chance and kicked me in the chest. He took it too far. My back smacks with the window and it cracks. 

I fall out of the window. About a five-story drop. 

A piece of glass lands on the upper part of my chest, ripping through my skin. A painful scream escapes my bloody mouth. I try to reach for the window ledge, but my fingers only slightly brush it. I can't use my webs without using both hands and my right hand is badly injured. 

"(Y/N), how are you going over with Kirishima," Jirou asks through her earpiece. 

Wind from the air conditioner rushed through my ears sending a sharp pain through my head. Kiri jumped out of the window and dived towards me. "I can't stand there. Not again," I heard Kiri say to himself. It sounded like an echo. 

He tries to reach his hand out, but he was too far. Who knows how far, but by my blurry vision... ten feet. 

My voice becomes raspy and I can't see anymore. Only white with splashes of gray, blue, and red. 

I am about to meet the ground.

"I'M RIGHT HERE!" Kiri screams, trying to reach farther, "DON'T GIVE UP ON ME!"

I close my eyes as I wait to accept my death. 

And that is the moment I realized, what real pain feels like.

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