Chapter 9: Control

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Tears were still flooding down my cheek and soaked my face and neck. Stop crying. I only cried more. I couldn't see anything at this point. I ran. I ran as fast as I could, in the hope of making it into the girl's locker room before someone saw me. But life doesn't go as planned.

I bump into someone. I muttered a sorry and looked at the floor so they couldn't see my face. I tried running past whoever it was, but they grabbed my wrist.

"Hold on, (Y/N)? Are you okay?" It was Kirishima. He pulled me towards him. I could feel his eyes burn through my hair. "(Y/N), look at me." He lays his hands on my arms. I don't. "Look at me, (Y/N)-chan. Please?"

I look up, but not to the point where he can see my face. He was only about two inches taller than me. One of his hands trails to my face and lays it under my chin, slowly lifting it up.

And then, I see his eyes. Those beautiful, tender eyes. "(Y/N), are you okay? Are you feeling okay?"

"I...I..." Another a few tears fall down my cheek. Kirishima cups my face and slowly brushes the tears away. His hands felt warm, so warm. "You can talk to me about anything, you know that right? Anything."  A picture of Mom dead at my feet flows through my head. Why now? My lip quivers. He pulls me into a hug and I gladly accept. The last time I was hugged was before Mom died. My breath hitches. "Let it all out," Kiri whispers through my (H/C) hair.

I can hear his slow heartbeat soothe my pain and slightly calm me. Stupid tears wet his school vest. "I'm weak," I mumble through his vest.

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm crying. You cry when you're weak."

"What," Kiri pulls out of the hug and looks straight into my eyes, "You are not weak because you cry. You're crying because you have been a strong person for too long for you to handle. You are not weak. You are the strongest girl I've ever met. You wanna know why? Because you've pulled through so many things in life. You fight. You are a fighter. You've pulled through the coma and came back to us. You could have died because of me, but no, you survived. You can pull through... through this."

His speech took me back. It touched my heart, and nothing touches my heart like that. It was the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. "I... I..."

Our faces were only inches apart. Kiri closed his eyes and leaned in, and I did the same.

"Shitty Hair! Spider Face! The hell you doin'?"

I pushed Kiri away from me. Curse me for not using my head.

What if we did kiss? Then what would have happened? I'm here to become a hero not to fall in love and live in some fantasy. My heart controlled my body. I can't be using my heart. I have to use my head when something like that happens.

I'm not in love. I know I'm not. Whatever the hell that was, it wasn't anything and it meant nothing. 

"Uh... n-nothing. Just... uh-," I stop Spike Head before he could say anything stupid.

"Heading to class," I walk passed Bakugo and keep my head down.

Damnit. I forgot about Amber. I guess I'll have to get her later. Unfortunately, I have to see Kiri again, and I don't want to. I need some time to clear my head and sort out my thoughts.

I sigh as I walk into the classroom and set my things down. A few students were already in the class. Sui, Iida, Koda, Ochaco, Todoroki, and Momo.

I bang my head in the desk a few times.

"Are you okay, (N/N)? Did something tragic go on?"

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