Chapter 16: IT'S NOT A DATE!!!! 😖💗

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After getting released from Recovery Girl's care that same day, I headed back home with bandaged wrists that hurt like hell. I'm eternally grateful that there wasn't too much damage, that would have been bad. But what Recovery Girl said still nagged at the back of my mind.

"You have to be more careful. If you can't control both of them at all, then you could die after one or two more tries of it. Your body is not well trained for your quirk."

I bite the inside of my cheek, unsure of what to do next. I've got to train more, that's an obvious one, but I feel like it's not enough. But I've been training my body for the past ten-ish years. How is that not enough?

"Hey! (L/N)-chan," Kirishima runs up to me and takes a deep breath. "I forgot to give you your medal. You won third place." Kiri hands me the medal. I look at the third place engraved on it. A sour taste touches my tongue.

I stuff it into my pocket, "Thanks." I start to walk away but Kiri stops me.

"Hey, wait. I wanted to ask you..."

I hum and keep my eyes glued to the floor.

"D-do you maybe want to, um, go somewhere or something." I frown, I've never been asked to do such a thing. Kiri must have seen my expression, "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. You know what, I'll just go. See you la-"

"Sure, I'd love to go," I slightly smile.

"Wait, really?" I nod my head. "How about later today?"

I check the time on my phone that's about to die. 4:12 pm. Hopefully Midnight lets me go. "Maybe. I'll ask Midnight."

"Huh? Why Midnight?"

Oh, shit. "Did I say Midnight? I meant, erm, let's try not get home after midnight."

"Oh, that makes sense," Kiri nods his head. "Well, if you can go, I'll meet you at 6:30, okay? The place is going to be a surprise." Kiri's eyes glitter. Suddenly, his phone dings. Kirishima fishes it out of his pocket and sighs. His eyes were distant as if he were deep in thought. "Actually, can we change it to tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure. How about at 3?" I suck on my breath. He still thinks I'm homeless. "I'll meet you at the sweets shop. Okay?" He nods his head and stuffs his phone into his pocket. A forced smile is plastered on his face.

*** Time-skip brought to you by the future chapters and buckets full of potential tears 👉😎👉 ***

"(L/N)! (L/N)! It's time for your date, get up!" Midnight shakes me awake and throws the covers off. She dashes to the other side of the room and opens the curtains over the windows.

I groan and roll to one side, hoping to block out the sunlight. Instead, I fall to the floor with a thud and a half scream. "What time is it?" I sit up and rub my head.



"You need to have a proper breakfast and I need to teach you how to act when you are around hot guys. You need to be prepared for your date!"

"I. AM NOT going on a DATE! It's hanging out with a good friend," I jump back onto the bed and stuff my face into the pillows.

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