Solangelo forever and kissing a frog🐸

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"Nico, the readers have voted!" Percy said to Nico.

"Who're the readers? Do you need to get checked by Will?" Nico asked.

"How did you guess?" Percy applauded the son of Hades, who was still looking bewildered. "The majority of readers voted for Solangelo! Solangelo forever!"

 "The majority of readers voted for Solangelo! Solangelo forever!"

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Will started doing a happy dance, while Nico turned beetroot red.

"Nico has been with Will for way too long!" Thalia complained. "I gave up being a Hunter of Artemis and immortality for him!"

"Well you have no idea what  went through, daughter of Zeus." Reyna shot back. " should have him!"

"Neeks is mine!" Will had a newfound respect for this so-called "author" (😉wink wink😉). "The author's opinion is the most important, whoever that guy is!"

The three started squabbling again, while Nico just sat there.

Finally, Piper yelled, "STOP IT!"

Her charmspeak washed over them and they stopped.

"Time for the next truth or dare!" Leo said. "Reyna, choose one person!"

Reyna's eyes scanned the demigods and Rachel. "Jason Grace, former Praetor of Rome!" she called out.

Jason shrugged. "Whatever. Dare, then! I don't want my secrets revealed."

Reyna turned to the others. "What dare shall I make him do?" she asked. 

"Anything you like!" Hazel smiled. "That's the whole point of a dare!"

"Hmmm..." Reyna thought, then her eyes lit up. "Jason Grace, I dare you to kiss the slimiest frog in the lake!" Her eyes gleamed.

Jason's face screwed up. "Do I really have to do that?" 

"Yes!" the whole room shouted.

"Gross." Jason sighed. "Okay, then."

He was about to leave when Calypso yelled, "Wait! We should send one person to go with him!"

Jason groaned. Apparently Calypso had guessed right, he wouldn't kiss a slimy frog if no one was watching.

"I'll go!" Calypso continued.

"Awww! I wanted to see Jason kiss a slimy frog!" Percy whined.

Calypso rolled her eyes. "Then come on! Jason's trying to escape already!"

Percy held Jason back with a water shield, then he and Calypso accompanied the son of Jupiter to the lake.

"Find the slimiest frog in there." Percy ordered Jason.

Jason slowly lifted up one lily pad at a time, tracing his finger in the water as slow as he could.

"I'll do it faster for you, Grace!" Percy raised his hands into the air. The frogs in the water whooshed out on water skateboards. Percy set them down at Jason's feet.

"There! That one's the slimiest!" Calypso pointed to the largest frog. Sure enough, there was a thick layer of slime on the frog.

"Let me talk to it." Since frogs were amphibians, it meant sometimes they went to the water, so Poseidon and his kids could talk to them.

Hey there frog. Percy spoke to the frog.

Son of Poseidon! It is an honor to meet you,sir!

Um...what's your name?

I am Lawrence. But please call me Law, sir.

Law, you see, my friends and I are playing truth or dare, and long story short, my bro Jason here got dared to kiss the slimiest frog in this pond. I mean, no offence, Law, but you are the slimiest here, so Jason has to kiss you.

No offence? Of course not, sir! Us frogs love our slime! The more slime, the more handsome we are! So, sir, who's Jason?

That blonde haired boy with glasses behind me, the son of Jupiter there.

The frog gasped. Son of Jupiter?! Zeus's Roman form? No, sir, I hate Zeus! Zeus is Lord Poseidon's rival!

Please, Law? For me?

Law heaved a sigh. Fine, sir. Anything for you, sir. Anything for you.

Thanks! Percy smiled. "There, Jason. I convinced him to let you kiss him."

Jason, who had been trying to creep away, was pushed back by Calypso. He sighed and pushed his glasses up his nose, then closed his eyes, screwed up his face again, and slowly pushed himself towards Law with his lips puckered up.

"Faster!" Calypso said. "We haven't got all day, Grace!"

"I'll make him go faster." Percy said and gave Jason a sudden push towards Law.

That did the trick. Jason hit spot on.

"What-how-shit!" Jason spat out a mouthful of slime. "Phoo! PERCY!!!"

Percy laughed. "Wasn't my fault. You were supposed to go faster, so I helped you. You should be thanking me, bro."

Jason gritted his teeth but decided to let it go. He was supposed to do the dare quickly.

After the three returned to the cabin, everyone looked at them expectantly, especially Reyna.

"Well?" she said.

"He did it!" Percy grinned. "With my help, of course."

Everyone had never seen Reyna look so triumphant.

Hope you guys liked the chapter! I couldn't wait (I'm very very impatient), so I have written this before April 3!

See ya! 

🐟💦Fish (My nickname is Fish sooo)

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