Jason commits suicide (NOT!!!)

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AN: Hey, I'm sorry for not updating so long, 'cause the computer at home broke down and now I'm trying my best to write on my au pair's phone. (Yes I normally use a computer to write my stories) Anyway enjoy!

"...to pretend to commit suicide!" Rachel said.

"What? Pretend to commit suicide? How?" Jason asked, confused.

"What I mean is you jump from a tall building, maybe the Big House, and yell, 'goodbye, cruel world!' but use your flying powers to swerve up at the last second." Rachel said smugly.

Jason groaned. "Okay, I'll try to do it."

"Oh, and Piper," Rachel said, "if you can manage a great big wail, it'll be awesome."


Jason flew up the Big House roof when no one was watching. He sighed but walked to the edge.

"Well, here I go." he said and plummeted off.

"Goodbye, cruel world!" he yelled.

Lots of campers gawped at him. It turned out Piper didn't have to do the wail. Drew Tanaka ran up to the Big House in distress, yelling, "Oh my gods! Jason! Don't worry, I'll save you!" and held up her arms, trying to predict where he would land.

Piper stuck out her foot and Drew tripped. Lacy snickered.

Chiron ran to the building. "Jason Grace, what are you doing?!" he shouted.

Jason gulped but continued to fall. At the last second he swerved up. Drew gasped.

"It was a trick!" she shouted. Jason stifled a laugh and landed safely on the roof.

"Jason, you and I are going to have a little talk." Chiron said grimly. Jason gulped again.


After Jason and Chiron had a "little talk" about "safety" and "responsibility" and "casualties", Jason returned to Cabin Three.

"I'm banned from flying for a month!" he said. "Rachel..."

Rachel shrugged. "Dares are meant to be outrageous." she said cheekily.

"Fine." Jason said. "Now I get to pick, right? Will!"

"Dare." Will said. "I'm not scared!"

Jason grinned. "I dare you to run everywhere and shout to the whole camp, "I'm gay!"

"Oh." Will said.

AN: Hope you liked it, I did promise to get this chapter out today!


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