Kiss 😘, Marry👰, Kill🔪? (Part One)

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Hi, guys, Fish is back! I got the idea for this chapter on a HoO meme someone posted on the web, and I thought this would be great for a chapter in here!

Anyway, enjoy!!!

"I dare you to ask everyone except me kiss, marry, kill." Annabeth said.

"Oh, that's easy." Rachel said, jutting out her chin. "So---"

"They'll probably kill you." Annabeth said. Rachel sighed.

"Yeah, I knew that. Okay, Percy. Kiss, marry, kill. Me, Annabeth, Piper."

Percy groaned. "Kiss you..." he started, then yelped. Annabeth was staring daggers at him.

"AND MARRY ANNABETH! I'll marry Annabeth!" Percy yelled. "And...uh..sorry, Piper, but I have no choice but to kill you."

"It's ok." Piper said.

"Now...Frank. Annabeth, Hazel, Reyna."

Frank sighed. "Fine. Kiss...Reyna, marry Gazel, obviously, and kill...well, Annabeth, I guess."

"I'm not kissing you!" Reyna said angrily. "I have joined the Hunters!"

AN: I have not read ToA so idk if it's correct...

"It's just a game, Reyna." Thalia said reassuringly.

Reyna grumbled something about how she didn't want to be playing anyway.

"So...let's see...Reyna, since you said you are in the Hunters of Artemis, it's naturally your turn! Jason, Thalia, Percy."

Reyna sighed. "Fine. Kiss Jason, marry Thalia, and kill Percy."

Thalia smiles and kissed Reyna on the cheek.

"That wasn't even good." Rachel said. "Alright. Leo. Nico, (😉) Calypso, Percy."

Nico and Percy both protested, "Hey!" at the same time.

"This is gonna be interesting." Jason said.

"Uh...kiss Nico..." Leo started.

He was cut off by some very angry Solangelo shippers, Will and Nico.

"You can't! He's my boyfriend!" Will protested.

"I don't like him anyways!" Nico yelled.

"Solangelo forever!" screamed the Solangelo shippers.

"Can you just let me continue already? Marry Calypso, and...kill Annabeth."

He was cut off by Annabeth throwing her dagger at him. She missed by just a centimeter.

"Whoa, calm down, Annabeth." Leo said. "You dared Rachel to do this!"

"Yeah, and I'm enjoying it!" Rachel said with an evil grin. Leo groaned.

"Hey, Rachel, I'm standing up for you, and you push me away?" Leo moaned.

"Anyway, I choose Nico! Will, Thalia, Reyna!" Rachel said triumphantly.

"Why always me?!" Nico mumbled. "I don't wanna do it!"

"You have to." Rachel and Annabeth said together.

"Ugh. Okay! Kiss Thalia, marry Will, and kill Reyna."

" about...Will?" Rachel said happily.

"But-but I don't like so many people! Will stammered.

"Yes, and this is why it's going to be fun!" Rachel grinned. " Let's Nico for you this about Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia?"

AN: Gods...I sure am tired. I'm writing this at 10:15 p.m. , I need to sleep...

Plus, I think this book can have 50-65 chapters. Then I'll end it. What do you think?


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