🍌Bananas 🍌and truths

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Hey guys! This is Fish here!

I just found out we reached 100 reads on the chapter Let's Play...Truth or Dare!😊 O.M.G.

Also, thanks so much for 700 reads! I'm so happy now! *dances*💃🏻💃🏼💃🏽💃🏾💃🏿

This is dedicated to @SophieCheung because we have so much in common and she's been such a great friend.

Anyway, read and enjoy! Hope you like it!

Day Three

"So, did you have fun?" Chiron asked Percy the next day.

Leo answered for him. "Yup! Percy drenched all the mortals and Piper sang Let It Go!"

"Don't remind me." Piper grumbled. "That was so embarrassing."

"Now is the Poseidon cabin fixed?" Percy asked.

"Yeah!" Leo said. "Let's continue that game of Truth or Dare!"


"Okay, Nico! Ask!" Reyna said.

Nico raised his eyebrows. Then he smirked evilly.

"What?" Jason said.

"Jason, I dare you---"

"Whoa, heads up!" Jason said. "I didn't say I choose a dare! Truth!"

Nico grinned. "Even better! Jason, do you sing in the shower?"

Jason went red. "Um...I think I'm gonna choose dare."

"Great! I dare you to say banana after every sentence you say until it's your turn again. And if you forget, you have to eat a whole banana for every sentence."

"But...I hate bananas! I don't want to eat them!" Jason protested.

"Then just remember to say banana! And...you forgot to say it just now, when you said you didn't want to eat bananas." Nico said with a smirk. "Leo, get me a banana."

Leo ran out of the room and got a banana.

"Now get more, Leo!" Nico ordered. "Jason, eat the banana."

Jason screwed up his face but ate it slowly. "Eww!" he said and sighed.

"Jason! You forgot to say banana again!" Nico said happily. "Leo, give him a banana."

"No, please, Leo! No more bananas, please!" Jason begged.

"One more banana," Nico said. "You forgot again, Jason! Leo, give him two bananas."

Groaning, Jason ate the bananas. "I'd better keep my mouth shut. Banana." he muttered.

All the others were snorting. 

"Now you ask, Jason." Nico said.

"Fine, banana. Thalia, sis, truth or dare, banana?"

Thalia was still snorting with laughter. "Truth." she managed to say.

"Have you ever peed in the pool?" Jason asked, then slapped himself and ate another banana. Nico smirked again.

Thalia's face was red hot. "Yeah. So what? I was 6 years old!"

"No, I mean now, banana." Jason said.

"Once..." Thalia sighed as the other demigods giggled. "I was really urgent...anyway, it's my turn to ask now, right? Annabeth! Truth or dare?"

"Ugh." Annabeth groaned. "Truth."

"Aw man!" Thalia said. "Oh well. Let's see...if I offered you $1 million dollars to break up with Percy, would you do it?"

Percy's face was in shock.

Annabeth's face was unreadable. "One...million...dollars?" she said slowly.

"Yeah." Thalia said.

"Of course..." Annabeth began.

Everyone watched her intently.

"...NOT!" the daughter of Athena finished angrily. "Thals, you know I love Percy with all my heart, though he can be a Seaweed Brain at times. I'd never trade him for a million dollars, not ten million, not a billion! You know I love him! You were the first person I ever told!"

Annabeth was blushing furiously when she finished. Percy smiled and kissed her full on the lips. Annabeth smiled too and kissed back.

"Awww..." Hazel said. Piper was frantically typing away on her phone. I bet you know what she was doing.

"So, it's my turn to ask." Annabeth said. "Hmmm...Frank! Truth or dare?"

Frank sighed. "Truth. I'm sick of dares."

"Okay...have you ever eaten something off the floor?" Annabeth asked.

"Yes." Frank admitted, his face pink.

"What was it?" Annabeth questioned.

"A piece of bacon." Frank said. "I was in dog form at that time, and the bacon smelled so good I couldn't resist eating it...."

Will laughed. Frank glared at him. 

"Oh, you're gonna regret that, Solace." he said. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." said Will. "No dares for me!"

"Have you ever practiced kissing with a mirror?" Frank said, then grinned.

Will was as red as a tomato. "Yeah." he said. "I was dreaming about kissing Nico...and so I...I pretended the mirror was Nico."

Nico went red too. "Ooh, lovers." Rachel said.

Will sighed. "There! We got that over with...Rachel! Truth or dare?"

"I pick truth." Rachel said.

"Did you have a crush on Percy?" Will asked.

Annabeth was shooting daggers at Rachel. Percy looked between the two uncertainly.

"Yes. Yes, I did." Rachel admitted. "It was so long ago, and now, when I look at him, my heart still jumps. And when we kissed in Spin the Bottle, I almost died. But," she added as Annabeth pulled out her dagger, "I am the Oracle now, so I can't marry him, even if I wanted to."

"I never knew you felt this way." Percy said. "I'm sorry about it, Rachel."

"No, it's okay." Rachel said. "So, I'm asking, right? Piper. Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Piper said and jutted out her chin.

"Oh, I've got a good one." Rachel said and smiled wickedly.

Maybe I should have chosen truth after all. Piper thought to herself.

There's the chapter! I had to go on the web for those truths. Boy, am I exhausted.

Yesterday I went to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned and it was SO painful. Ugh. My mom told me to think of happy things to pass the time and when it was finished, I was like, I survived! And my mom asked me what I thought about to pass the time.

Can you guess?

I'll give you a clue.




Tell me in the comments!



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