Annabeth's makeover ✨

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After Chiron climbed out of the lake dripping wet and angry (there's nothing more scary than an angry centaur), he ordered Leo to wash the dishes after the meal, so the demigods had to wait for him to finish until they could continue playing truth or dare.

Leo came back after about an hour.

"If I wasn't immune to fire, my hands would have been burnt with all that lava in the sink." he grumbled. "Some demigod ate a lot of stuff today..."

He noticed Annabeth was trying not to laugh.

"Annabeth! You ate all that food, didn't you?" Leo demanded.

"It might have been me..." Annabeth said innocently.

"That's it! Annabeth, I dare you to go to the Aphrodite cabin for a makeover!" Leo yelled.

"I didn't even say I chose a dare." Annabeth said.

"YOU HAVE TO GO ANNABETH CHASE OR I'LL SET YOU ON FIRE!!!" Leo was breathing heavily.

"Okay, okay! I'll do it." Annabeth sighed and went out the door. Leo didn't take his eyes off her until she left the Poseidon cabin.

Annabeth's POV

I suppose I wouldn't have turned down the dare anyway. My fatal flaw is pride, and I was now determined to get that makeover no matter what.

I knocked on Aphrodite's cabin's door. Drew Tanaka answered. I sucked in my breath. Uh-oh.

"Hello, hon!" she said, giving me a sickly smile. "What do you want?"

"I-I want a makeover." I said quietly.

"Can you say that loudly, hon?"

"I want a makeover." I said, louder this time.

"Why, of course! I pride myself on my makeovers. To be honest, I've been wanting to give you one for a while, honey. And don't worry, I'm the best in the world at makeovers!"

I wanted to punch her in the face. Gods her ego was so big.

"Hey girls! Annabeth here wants a makeover!" Drew called to her friends in a singsong voice.

I was attacked by six girls like they were piranhas and I was the prey.

"So, honey, got a thing for someone else than that stupid Jackson?" Drew asked with a smirk.

"No!" Now I really wanted to punch her. How dare she insult Percy!

"I'm doing a dare." I said.

Drew yawned. "Oh, how boring that must be, hon."

"I like it." I said furiously. Actually I didn't really like it, I was only playing because I suggested it for Leo in the first place at first, and not playing would seem rude. Also, if we stopped playing, Leo would start whining again.

After ten more minutes, the Aphrodite girls were finished with me.

"You can go now." Drew pushed me out the door.

"Wait! I want to see how I---"

The door slammed in front of my face.

"---look." I finished, then sighed. I began to walk back to the Poseidon cabin.

On my way there, I noticed the boys I passed were drooling with their eyes staring at me, as big as dinner plates. As for the girls, the whispered enviously behind my back. Did I really look that pretty?

AN: Answer: Yes.

3rd Person POV

When Annabeth walked into the cabin, everyone's jaw dropped.

"A-A-Annabeth..." Percy stammered. "Y-You look..."

"How do I look?" Annabeth asked.

"You mean you don't know?" Piper shook her head. "Drew really did a great job on you. Here!" She handed Annabeth a small golden edged mirror.

Annabeth's jaw dropped too.

Her blonde hair was held back in ringlets. Silver pearls adorned her hair, shining like the moon. She had on very light gray eyeshadow which brought out the color in her gray eyes. She also had on light pink blusher that was spread out evenly and red lipstick on her lips, which usually looked thin but now were plump. When she smiled, she looked so dazzling she almost burned people, like the sun.

As for her dress, it was a long gray one that trailed to the ground. It was sleeveless, showing Annabeth's slender arms gracefully. The dress showed off her curves perfectly. It was low at the front, so you could see her legs.

She wore gray high heels that she normally wouldn't even dare to wear. (Get it? Dare?) They were the highest heels Annabeth had ever seen. Somehow, she didn't wobble when she walked. In other words, she was...perfect.

"I never knew I could look like this." Annabeth whispered.

"You look beautiful, Annie." Percy said, and he meant it.

"Don't call me Annie." Annabeth said, but she was smiling.

There! That's a chapter done! I like the ending 'cause PERCABETH! *squeals*

Bye for now!

Fish 🐟💦

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