Nico naked

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"Jason, it's your turn now." Hazel said to him. Jason still looked shaken up after kissing a frog. "Go on, ask someone!"

"Okay, um, can I get revenge---I mean, ask Reyna back?"

"No, you have to ask someone else." Will said.

At first Jason didn't know who to ask. Then he noticed Nico, who was trying to make himself look small.

"Yeah! Nico!"

"No." Nico said.

"I chose you! You have to! Truth or dare?"

"No!" Nico said stubbornly. "I didn't even want to play this game. I'm just here because of Will!"

"You have to answer, Nico," Hazel said. "it's the rule of truth or dare."

Hazel made big golden eyes at Nico. Nico couldn't resist his half-sister's eyes.

"Fine, I'll do it." he grumbled. "Dare. I can manage anything."

"Anything?" Jason had a mischievous look in his eyes.

Nico was starting to regret his decision.

"I want you to run naked around camp except for your underwear and ask the prettiest girl in the Aphrodite cabin to go out on a date with you." Jason said, trying not to laugh.

"Jason Grace, there is no way I am ever doing that." Nico said angrily.

"You said you were doing a dare! You can't back down now!" Leo said. "First Frank's scared, now you. I mean, Frank's an exception, but you? Aren't you supposed to be the opposite of scared? You should be the one scaring people, with all your gloomy stuff going on!"

Leo had obviously hit Nico in a sore spot. The son of Hades gave Leo a glare that his dad would have been proud of. Two skeletons rose behind him and it suddenly seemed much colder. Leo tried to look innocent. 

AN: I said tried. It didn't work.

"I'll give you a kiss if you do the dare." Will said. Nico sighed.

"Two kisses, and I'll do it."

"Deal!" Will said. 

Nico slowly removed his black jacket, his black T-shirt, and his black emo jeans. Finally he was left with his black underwear with a skeleton on it. Did I mention Nico loves to wear black?

Thalia burst out laughing. She had been giving Nico the cold shoulder because he liked Will instead of her, but this broke the ice.

"You-have-a skeleton-on-your-underwear, Death-Breath." she said between gasps of air.

"Yeah, so? Is that a problem?" Nico said, but he looked embarrassed. "It was cheap."

"Skeleton or not, you have to go out now, Ghost King." Jason said. "Go on!"

He clapped his hands, and a gust of wind pushed Nico out the Poseidon cabin. "And don't try to hide in the bushes. I have bird friends, you know."

Nico's POV

I am not a coward. I told myself. I have to do this. I'll pretend I was okay with it when I get back and act cool like nothing happened.

I made my way to the Aphrodite cabin, naked and all. I stuck up my nose and tried to ignore some campers staring at me.

Fine. I take that back. Every camper was staring at me.

One of the youngest campers, a nine year old boy in Iris, whose name I remembered as Kowlie was staring at me. "Why is that boy naked?" he asked an older girl standing nearby.

I made a mental note to send a skeleton after him.

I finally reached the Aphrodite cabin. I looked for the prettiest girl and spotted a girl with golden curls and blue eyes. She was pretty, but she wasn't my type. Still, I had to complete the dare.

 Still, I had to complete the dare

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"Hello." I said to her nervously. "Will...will you go out with me?"

She shrieked loudly. So did all her friends.

"Run, Sona!" one of them yelled. "He's stalking you!"

"I have a boyfriend, you horrible scumbag!" Sona yelled. "Get out!"

She threw her bag at me. Fifteen kinds of lipstick flew out and landed on my head. If you think that's funny, you try getting hit by lipstick, they're really hard, as hard as rocks. 

I could count Cherry Blossom, Raging Red, Goth Purple, and a bunch of others.

"Get out!" Sona yelled again. "If you don't, I'm telling Chiron!"

Jeez. Didn't this girl know I was on a dare?

Well, she didn't. But still she went crazy.

I decided it was a good time to get out of here.


Third person POV

When Nico got back, Jason snapped his fingers and two bluebirds flew in. "Did this boy go inside the Aphrodite cabin and ask out the prettiest girl on a date?" Jason asked the bluebirds.

The smaller of the two chirped something which only Jason and Thalia, being children of Zeus and Jupiter, could hear.

"He actually did that?" Jason rolled on the floor. He had tears in his eyes and was snorting. So was Thalia. The others just stared at them blankly.

"Nico asked Sona James out on a date!" Thalia translated to the others, after she'd finished laughing. "In his underwear!"

For a moment everyone was shocked. Then they all started laughing. Even Will, while Nico just stood there and scowled.

Hope you guys liked the chapter! Bye!


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