Truth or Dare is BANNED?

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Hey guys, it's Fish, and I'm sorry to tell you I have run out of ideas for Truth or Dare(😨). Really sorry to tell you this, but I have another great idea for a book! It'll be called Percabeth: As We Grow, and I'm looking forward to it! So this is the last chapter of Percy Jackson: Truth or Dare, and thank you all the people who actually followed this story every chapter of the way! Now without further ado, let me present...the last chapter of Percy Jackson: Truth or Dare.

"Uh, why are we here?" Percy asked Chiron. The demigods and Rachel, who had all played Truth or Dare were gathered around the Ping-Pong table in the Big House.

Chiron practically glowered at them. "You don't know?" he said angrily.

"Um, nope." Leo said.

Chiron paced the floor, his hooves clip-clopping slowly. "First, the screaming campers when they saw a naked boy running around." he said furiously.

Nico grimaced as he recalled the details of his dare.

"Then, my tail on fire." Chiron said without humor. "It's still growing back!" he added.

Leo stifled a chuckle. "Well, that really was funny." he whispered to Hazel, who giggled.

"And after that, the explosion in Cabin 3." said Chiron, fuming now. "Even though Leo Valdez cleaned it up and built a new one, that noise...scared half the nature spirits out of their wits. And then all the banana skins over the Cabin 3 floor! The cleaning harpies nearly skidded to their deaths!"

"But, Chiron---" Jason put in, but the old centaur cut back in.

"No buts! I've had enough. Truth or Dare can be played as a fun game, not something that harms everything around you! That's why I've decided---Truth or Dare is now BANNED."

The demigods all gasped. "Chiron, you---you can't do this!" Piper said.

"Yes, I can. This has been causing too much trouble!" The centaur was mad. "Now go out!"

They did.


"Well..." Annabeth's voice trailed off. "I guess this is it, then."

"Then what do we do now?" Leo whined.

All the others (except Reyna, she was too dignified) face-palmed. The reason they had first started playing Truth or Dare in the first place was to get him to shut up. Now he had started to whine again.

"Us?" Frank scowled at Leo. "We can do our own things, obviously. Me and Hazel have to get back to Camp Jupiter."

"Me too." Reyna straightened up. "This has been fun, but I must go now. The people of Camp Jupiter need me."

"Fine." Leo groaned. "I'll just---go do my own thing, I guess. It was a lot of fun, but I'm missing a lot of hot machine-making lessons here! The Bad Boy is off!"

And off he went, whistling. Calypso smirked and ran after him.

The remaining people stared at him. "Honestly," Rachel said, dumbfounded, "if that was what it took to shut him up, I've would've told him to do it."


"That was actually fun, like Valdez said." Annabeth remarked as she leaned against Percy.

Percy laughed. "Fun? Duh. It was more than fun. I never thought Leo could actually suggest something good for once."

Annabeth smiled. "Even though you got told off by Chiron?"

"Yeah." Percy said.

"That's good." Annabeth said as they watched the sun go down together side by side.

AN: Well, that's it. Yes. It's over. THE END.

Did I enjoy writing this book? Yes. Did I literally stop for 3 months writing and suddenly start writing again? Yes.

Thank you to all the people who actually stayed with this book every step of the way, but there are a few I'd like to mention:

@Hyperx101 for commenting on every chapter (well, almost every) in this book and making me smile at her comments in my book.

@bp_forlife for supporting me on this and being a good online friend 😊.

@that-dam-fangurl for also always commenting in this rubbish book.

@CamilaD08 and @Cheyenne1J for being my first ever supporters.

@CarmenCastro16 for voting on all the chapters when she heard there was gonna be a surprise if I got 110 votes on here. (And she was the only one, lol.)

There are also so many others, but I can't but all of them in here, or it would explode.

So...this is THE END, and watch out for that surprise coming your way!

P.S: As you may have guessed, it's the Percabeth: As We Grow book.

~the end~

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