Twelve kinds of food (Part One)

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Percy didn't want Annabeth to take off the dress but she said it scratched her too much, so Percy let her take it off reluctantly. When Annabeth finished rubbing off the make-up and put on regular clothes, she looked like her old normal self again, which Percy didn't like.

"You look much better with make-up on." he complained.

"But then I wouldn't look like my regular self." Annabeth replied. "Besides, that isn't my style at all."

Percy groaned but said nothing. 

Annabeth looked around the room. "Will!" she decided. "Truth or dare?"

The son of Apollo shrugged. "Truth."

"Have you accidentally gone to the wrong bathroom?" Annabeth questioned.

"No." said Will, though his face was turning red.

Annabeth raised her eyebrows. 

"You did, Will. Remember our first date? You had to go to the bathroom there and you went into the girls' one, you told me!" Nico said.

"Hey! You promised not to tell! No kisses for you tonight." Will said.

Nico pouted.

"There! Now you know my most embarrassing secret, Annabeth." Will said, groaning. "I guess it's my turn to ask now. Calypso, have you gotten a truth or dare yet?"

"Nope!" Calypso said. "Dare."

Will smiled. "Okay! I dare you to let everyone feed you a mouthful each of what they want! Anything, as long as it's food!"

"Well," Calypso said, "I've eaten some nasty things in my time. What could go wrong?"

AN: Warning: if you don't want to do something, don't jinx it by saying What could go wrong?

"Good!" Will grinned. "Now you wait here. Everyone, go find the nastiest stuff you can find and bring it back here. Combinations are allowed."

With that, everyone rushed off. Calypso groaned.


20 minutes later, everybody returned with the most disgusting foods they could find.

"Line up!" Will ordered. "I'm going first."

He reached into his bag and took out a blindfold. "Calypso, you put that on so you don't know what food we're feeding you."

Will quickly tied the blue blindfold around Calypso's eyes, then he brought out a plastic bag with some nasty stuff inside. He grabbed a spoon, then said to Calypso, "Open up!"

Calypso shuddered but opened her mouth wide. Once her tongue touched the food, she said, "This isn't too bad!"

Will looked disappointed. "Come on! I bought that combination from the Stolls, and it cost me 20 golden drachmas!"

"What is that stuff?" Nico asked his boyfriend.

"It's mashed up Hotlix Candy." Will said.

"What? You mean those with real-life scorpions inside?" Annabeth exclaimed. "Isn't that a bit...a bit too nasty?"

"It's fine." Calypso said, shrugging. "At first when I wasn't much of a cook, I used to eat stray scorpions on Ogygia."

Leo gulped. "I don't know if I'll ever kiss you again, Cal."

"Anyway," said Will, who still was looking disappointed. "it's your turn now, Neeks."

Nico got his spoon ready and fed Calypso the food.

Calypso ate it. Then her face turned green, like she wanted to barf. "Leo-get-bowl! Now!" she managed to choke out.

"Yes boss." Leo saluted playfully, then ran out of the room. He came back with a large bowl, set it down on the ground in front of Calypso, and she vomited into it.

Once she was done vomiting, which was 10 minutes later, she glared at Nico. "All right Death Boy. What did you give me?"

"It's one of the best foods---" Calypso raised an eyebrow. "---from the Fields of Punishment down in the Underworld. It's called---"

"YOU FED ME STUFF FROM THE FIELDS OF PUNISHMENT?!" Calypso yelled at Nico, who was trying not to smile.

"Will did say we could get you anything, as long as it was food." Hazel said thoughtfully. "And I haven't brought anything too nasty, Calypso, it's okay, you can eat mine."

She stepped forward and Calypso ate Hazel's combination of food. When she finished, the former Titaness said, "That was actually good! I think I know what that was, Hazel. Leftover tuna salad, right?"

"You got it!" Hazel said and sat down on the side bench with Will and Nico.

Frank gave Calypso his combo of food. Calypso ate it.

"That's okay." she said. "The 'fruits' from fruitcake, huh? Most people hate them, but I like them."

"Well, I tried." Frank said to Will and sat down beside his girlfriend.

"This can be training for your taste buds." Annabeth informed Calypso as she slipped in her combination of food into Calypso's mouth.

Calypso chewed Annabeth's food. Then she blew a bubble, the ones you see when you blow bubblegum. But this one was big. Bigger than any other bubblegum bubble.

It was red, purple, green, pink, yellow, and orange, as well as deep blue. And it was so big the whole room seemed to be made of the bubble.

Finally, the bubble popped with a huge POP! Colors of the rainbow were splattered over everyone's shirts, making them seem tie-dyed. Nico groaned at his new black jacket, which was now pink with a hint of purple.

"I know what that was." Calypso said. "Ernie McGum's Everlasting Bubblegum!"

"I thought it really would last forever." Annabeth said. "I guess it was just in the commercials."

AN: So...that's the chapter! A HUGE thank you to @CamilaD08 for coming up with this wonderful idea, and loads more ideas too! I'm going to use some of them in the next few chapters. Go check out her book, A quest with Percabeth. It's on her profile.

Also thanks to @42Robin for adding this book to his (I'm guessing @42Robin is a boy) reading list, Solangelo, and thanks to @Hyperx101 for commenting on the chapter Spiders and the fight over Nico

I can't dedicate this chapter to three people at a time, so this is for @Hyperx101.

And of course I have to thank the readers who read this book. Thanks once again.

It's not the end of the book yet! Stay tuned!


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