Spin the bottle! (Part Two) 🍾

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Day Two

The next morning, the demigods gathered in the Poseidon cabin to continue playing. It was Hazel's turn, so she spun. Then she gasped. It had stopped on...wait for it...Nico.

"We can't kiss!" Hazel protested to Nico. "You were the one who came up with this dare anyway, and look! It's backfired on you!"

Nico didn't seem bothered, though he was paler than usual. "Um, I think Leo has kind of taken over this game by now."

They all looked at Leo. He had on a cap that said "Spin the Bottle Master", which wasn't a very good name. Nobody dared to tell Leo though, because he would shoot fireballs at you.

"I will decide. They will kiss." Leo said.

"Leo, you can't seriously let them!" Frank yelled. Maybe he was afraid of losing Hazel or just wanted an excuse to yell at Leo, because last time Leo put a whoopee cushion under his seat in the mess hall and everyone there heard the fake fart coming from him.

"Oh yes they will." Leo rubbed his hands together like an evil genius. "This is my game, and  decide who kisses who. And I decide Nico and Hazel will kiss!"

Nico muttered something that is not suitable for young readers reading this.

Anyway, Nico and Hazel edged towards each other at the speed of snails. 

AN: Who could blame them? I don't ever want to kiss my younger brother on the lips. It's so ew! And he's so disgusting! BLECH!

They finally touched lips then pulled away. Leo didn't look satisfied.

"You need to kiss longer than that!" he complained.

"They kissed already, Leo. It's enough!" Calypso and Thalia said to him in unison.

It was Nico's turn. He took a deep breath, then spun the bottle.

He was going to kiss...Percy.

AN: Now before you read on, I don't know if you ship Percico or don't. I'm neutral on this one. If you like Percico, then congratulations! There's Percico ahead! If you don't then bear the pain of it, this is my book and *evil grin again* I'm cruel this way. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!😈

"No." Percy and Nico said at the same time. "Never!"

"It's the rules!" Leo said in a singsong voice.

"No way. I'm...I'm not gay. I thought I said that before already!" Percy said furiously.

"I am gay, but I don't want to kiss him." Nico said as furiously as Percy.

"I was being extra generous!" Leo said wickedly. "If you're not gay, then I'll let you off the first time. If you are gay, then you have  to kiss! End of story. If you don't do it...FIREBALL IN YOUR FACE!!!"

Poor Annabeth. She'd seen Percy kiss Rachel, her enemy, already. Now she was about to see Percy kiss Nico, a boy, right after when he said he wasn't gay.

Nico sighed. "The sooner we get this over with, the better."

Percy pulled Nico towards him and they kissed. To everyone's surprise, they didn't quickly pull away. They stayed in the kiss for a few seconds. In fact, Annabeth was sure she could see Percy blushing.

They finished kissing.

"That---that wasn't so bad." Nico said, panting.

"Yeah, it was...kinda good." Percy said.

Will and Annabeth were glaring at their boyfriends with anger.

"That was an exceptional kiss." Leo said, almost as pompously as Percy Weasley. Weasley, not Jackson, don't get them mixed up. "Next...since Percy has already spun the bottle, the person too his left will spin. Which is ...CALYPSO?!"

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