Chapter 14

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Ariana's POV

I was so relieved when the final bell rang, some stupid bitches were shouting names at me and I was about to cry, I grabbed my bag and went out of the classroom and went to my locker, I threw my stupid books into my stupid bag and slammed my stupid locker shut.

"Hey" Ashton giggled making me jump, "oh my god Ash" I smiled weakly and we headed out of the school gates, his hand brushed against mine and I bit my lip, we got to the gates and I suddenly took a sharp breath.

"Are you okay?" Ash looked down at me and I nodded before looking around trying to avoid eye contact with Hannah and Peyton. Two stupid bitchy cheerleaders who I hate.

"No your not, what's going on?" He asked once we had left the school gates, I looked back a few times and each time I looked they were staring, pointing and laughing.

"Nothing Ashton" I replied and he sighed and shook his head, "Whatever" I felt the tears welling up in my eyes and I bit my lip to keep them back, I unlocked the front door to my house and closed the door behind Ashton.

I hesitated before turning around, I felt myself shaking and in that moment I knew I was crying and I definitely would cry if I said something about it.

"Why are you facing the door?" I heard Ashton's melodious laugh which made my heart race and I don't even know why, "I l-like d-doors" I stuttered, his warm arms wrapped around my waist from behind and he put his head on my shoulder.

"Come on princess" he said softly and then guided me into my living room, I sat down on the couch and stared at the textbook. It went blurry a few times but I tried to hide the fact I was crying.

"What's the answer to this?" Ashton shoved a piece of paper at me with a sum on that I've never encountered before, "fuck knows" I shouted and slammed the book on the floor and buried my head into the couch.

"Baby?" He said softly and placed his hand on my back, "baby what's wrong?" He asked, I loved the fact he calls me baby, even though I'm not his baby.

He pulled me into his lap and I burst into tears, "whats wrong beautiful?" He wiped my tears and he searched my eyes for an answer, "Hannah and Peyton called me a slut and a slag and fat. They also told me that you and the boys hate me and I nearly burst into tears in front of them, Ash I don't know what to do anymore, I thought things would get better but nothing has really changed" I sighed and he kissed my temple.

"I can assure you that me and the boys love you, we couldn't ever hate you. They are slags and sluts and just pathetic bitches, your not anything they say, they're just jealous because your so beautiful and perfect in every way, if I'm having a bad day just seeing you smile or hearing you laugh will make me so much happier, your the person that makes me get out of bed in the morning, your the girl who has been there since forever. Your the most beautiful girl I've ever met, your pretty eyes, your cute little nose, your beautiful smile, your perfect Ariana" he smiled and I wiped my eyes.

"Thank you Ashton,I love you too" I put my arms around him and kissed his cheek. 

He blushed and I giggled and wiped my tears again, "Peyton fancies you, you know?" I pointed out and I rested my head on his chest, "yeah well I like someone else" he laughed and played with the long strands of my hair. "You like someone?!" I gasped and he giggled.

"Why haven't you told me!" I hit his chest and he laughed, "its a secret" he tapped my nose and I huffed, "can I guess?" He shook his head and I pouted, "why won't you tell me" I giggled and he put his hand over my mouth.

"Shutup and do your maths" he laughed and I grabbed my book from the floor, "I don't know what this means" I burst into laughter and he giggled, he put his hand around my hand and guided my hand to write down the answer, he explained how I work everything out and wrote it down, it was hard to write with two people holding the same thing.

I tried to ignore the feeling of electricity shooting through my body as his hand was around mine, I don't know why its making me feel like this, hes my best friend and I don't understand what's happening.

We finally came to an answer and the handwriting on the paper was unbelievable, it was so scruffy and it didn't even form numbers or letters. I thanked him and I sat between his legs and attempted the next question, "is this right?" I asked and he nodded and smiled.

"You've got it Ariana!" He shouted and squeezed me tight, "thank you Ashton" I sighed and he smiled and held me even tighter.

"Im so glad I don't have to have some stranger tutor me, I prefer being tutored by you because you aren't strict and you make me feel happy" I giggled and looked into his mesmerising eyes.

My heart began to race as our eyes locked on each others, I felt nervous and I was lost for words, what is happening?!.

"Where's your mum?" He asked, "oh crap! I forgot she was going to work a late shift" I giggled and slapped my hands onto my cheeks, "what are you doing?" He looked confused when I stood up and ran into the kitchen.

"Ordering pizza, what do you want?!" I shouted and he entered the kitchen and leaned against the wall, "same as you" he smirked, I nodded and called the pizza guy, I ordered our pizzas and counted the money my mum had left and set it on the side so I knew it was the right amount.

"Since your smart at literature, can you tutor me?" He winked, I nodded and we sat down on the sofa, "what don't you get about it?" I asked and he sighed, "why it has to be so boring" he shrugged and I slammed my head into the couch cushion.

"Its poems and mostly historical things and I think its quite interesting learning about different ways writers interpreted ideas and made poems, for example Shakespeare, he wrote plays which are so famous and I admire the way he's written them so well, that's why he is so successful" I smiled and clearly got carried away.

"I've never seen a girl so interested in something, it actually makes me happy to know how you could speak fluently through something you have such passion in" he smiled and I giggled, "why are we being so smart all of a sudden?" He shrugged and the doorbell rang, I jogged to the kitchen and grabbed the money.

I paid the pizza man and closed the door, I took the pizzas into the living room and placed them on the coffee table, I jogged back to the kitchen and poured us some drinks. I took them back to the living room and sat down next to Ashton.

"What shall we watch?" I asked and he shrugged and I typed in the code for a random channel and 'Family Guy' was on and I became even happier because Family guy is probably my favourite show.

"Peter makes me so happy" I giggled after eating a piece of pizza, Ashton pouted and I raised my eyebrow, "what?!" I laughed, "I'm better though, right?" I nodded and he smiled and put his arm around me.

"This pizza is amazing" Im literally in love with this pizza. "I know" happy moans escaped our mouths when we took another bite each, "Calum was touching me today in History, why does it bother you?" I smirked and saw his face had dropped slightly, "because I don't want him to touch you" he giggled, I rolled my eyes and cuddled into his side, my head resting on his chest and listening to the soft pounding of his heart made mine flutter.

My eyes fluttered open and I soon realised I had been asleep in Ashton's arms all night, I watched his chest rise and fall and fierce snores leaving his mouth, I knew he was awake though because he doesnt snore like that, soft snores usually leave his mouth.

I tried to hold in my laughter when he opened one of his eyes and he sighed and giggled, "how long have you been up?" I asked and he shrugged, "an hour maybe but you look so cute when your asleep so I just watched you and realised how lucky I am to have you as my bestfriend" he replied and I blushed.

"Thats a little creepy" I giggled and pushed myself off the sofa and stretched, "Where are you going?" he pouted. "To get ready for school maybe?" I giggled and he gasped and jumped up, "I almost forgot about school! Ill come back when im ready bye!" he shouted and ran out of the house, I laughed and closed the door and ran upstairs. 

I washed my face and brushed my teeth and ran into my bedroom and put my uniform on quickly, I combed my hair and tied it into a fish tail plait and did my makeup quickly and sprayed perfume. 

I hopped down the stairs trying to get my shoes on, I managed it as soon as I reached the bottom luckily. I grabbed the house key and locked the front door and ran down the driveway to Ashton. 

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