Chapter 44

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Arianas POV 

"Ashton get away from her! You might catch something" Peyton snickered, "Fuck off you slut" I spat and she looked taken aback with my sudden outburst of words. 

"How dare you speak to me like that?" She chuckled. "No, how dare YOU speak to me the way you do! If I called you those things you would cry and turn everyone against me, You bully me because you know I have nobody to fall back on! I dont even know how im still here anymore!" I screamed and she furrowed her eyebrows. 

"What? What do you mean?" She asked and acted as if she cared about me, "Im not telling you anything!" I shoved her into the wall and she whinced in response, "It hurts doesnt it, How about if I do this?" I slammed her into the wall a few times before I got lifted up and pulled away. 

"Stop it!" Ash smacked my arm and I glared at him, "Go be with your girlfriend. Im fine alone." I sighed and walked out of the bathroom and went to the nurses office. "Hey sweetie" She greeted me and I waved in response, I sat down on the chairs by her desk and sighed. 

"I dont feel too good" I sighed and rested my head on the back of the chair, "Mr Irwin, what are you doing here?" She asked and I didnt turn my head to look at him. "Is Ariana okay?" He asked her. Why does he care?!.

"Im sorry, I cant share that information with you." The nurse replied, "Im her um boyfriend.." I looked up at him and gave him a 'seriously?!' look and he smiled and sat beside me, I shuffled away in my seat and kept a distance between us. 

"I think Ariana thinks differently" she chuckled and Ashton suddenly grabbed my hand and forced my fingers to intertwine with his, the warmth of his hand made me feel different about him for some reason.

"I think I just have a headache, I should.. walk it off" I smiled and rushed out of the nurses office and ran back up to the library "Ari wait!" Ash shouted, I ignored him and carried on running. He grabbed my hand and pressed my body between his body and the wall. "get off me!" I shouted and tried to push him away. 

"Fuck off Ashton!" I screamed and managed to shove him off me and got into the library, Peyton looked at me sympathetically and Nathan had moved away. I dont blame him to be honest.. I sat down next to Michael and smiled at him. 

Ashton sat opposite me and he kept looking at me and I put my book on my head and slammed my head onto the desk, I heard Luke and Calum laughing and Michael lifted the book from my head. "Stop damaging your pretty little head" He giggled and pulled me so I was sitting upright. 

"Will you stop ignoring me?" Ashton hissed, I made eye contact with him and gave him a sarcastic smile. "Will you stop being a dick?" I replied and turned away again, I heard him laughing and I tried not to laugh aswell. 

"Ariana Rose Lockheart. Stop ignoring me" He chuckled and I still ignored him, "Ariana, come here!" Faye shouted and I smiled and got up from the table and went to sit with them. 

Lukes POV

"Guys, Im sorry for being such a dick to you all, I dont know why I changed.. But I hate that I did change because I almost lost you guys as friends and I literally have nobody else.. Will you forgive me?" Ashton pleaded and we all smiled to eachother and nodded. "We will always forgive you. Now we need to figure out how to get Ariana to forgive you and how to get the old Ariana back" I shrugged and the boys nodded in agreement.

"We kind of have half of Ariana back, shes carefree" Calum shared. Hes right. "we just need the other half that is in love with Ash" he added and me and Michael slapped his arms. "shit" he mumbled and Ash was smiling to himself. 

"She's in love with me?" He asked himself. "Not anymore" Michael sighed and he nodded and sighed, "I'm so stupid" Ash exclaimed and we all agreed with him and he glared at all three of us.

"You've been treating the girl your in love with like shit, so your pretty stupid" I pointed out and he seemed to agree with me. "We have rehearsals later, if you say things you truly want to say she might start to forgive you" Calum suggested.

"Good idea! Thanks guys!" He smiled to himself and threw his books into his bag and kept glancing over at Ariana.

Ariana's POV

"I hate this damn dress!" I screamed, Faye just laughed at me and shoved it into my hands. I sighed and turned away to put on the dress, "its shorter?" She nodded. "I'm going to be called a slut!" I hissed.

"Pull it down idiot" she chuckled and I tugged the ends of the dress which made it go back to the actual length, I put on the same black heels as the other day and we began to do our makeup boldly like the other day.

I tied a pink bow into my hair as we went into the hall, "you can do this!" Faye smiled at me and hugged me tight.

We were rushed onto the stage and stood at the back of the stage and stared at the audience, "girls! Don't stand at the back! You will have to get over these nerves! Your performing to a larger audience in a few days you have to get used to it!" Mrs James shouted from the back of the hall.

"Why did we sign up for this?" Faye huffed and I dragged her forward and lifted my microphone off the stand and the music began to play. We had dancers on stage for this performance and we had choreographed some of the dance and we began to perform.

I sang a high note and kept it going for a few seconds before Faye began to sing the next line and I did some of the backing vocals in her solos, I was moving all over the stage and dancing and just enjoying myself for once. I was carefree.

The music ended and she hugged me tight and lifted me up and I squealed, "put me down!" I giggled and she obeyed.

"Feedback please!" Mrs James shouted. "Your vocals are amazing, choreographing is amazing, you look amazing your just perfect! On the actual night use as much energy and it will be amazing!" Ashton shouted and I didn't think he would be nice to me again but he actually was.

"Thank you!" Faye shouted and she patted my back, we exited the stage and got changed again and sat with the boys watching everyone else's performance.

Sarah, Peyton and Hannah's performance was occurring and I kept laughing because they were all tripping over each other and falling and it was hilarious.

Everyone seemed a bit timid to speak up but I didn't care about being bullied by them anymore. "You should coordinate yourselves better and then you won't fall or mess up the performance." I smiled sarcastically and watched as they walked off stage.

"Ariana, Faye can you help us with the dance, two of the dancers are missing?" Mel asked us, I didn't get any input and I found myself standing on stage, we had to choreograph their dance before so we already knew everything that was going on.

We began to dance like we had rehearsed and it was actually quite fun considering we were both messing around when we made the dance up.

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