Chapter 38

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Ariana's POV

The doorbell rang and I looked towards the door, "I'll get it" I sauntered over to the door and slowly pulled it open, "Hey Grace, Michaels in there" I motioned to the living room, she thanked me and I began to close the door.

"Wait! Wait!!" A girl ran up the driveway and stood in front of me, "I'm Rose, Calum invited me?" I nodded and let the blonde haired girl inside, I closed the door and smiled to myself.

"Ariana, can you help me?" Ash laughed and I ran back to the kitchen and grabbed some drinks. We went into the living room and placed them onto the coffee table.

"Sit down woman!" Ash shouted and I shoved him and ran back to the kitchen, I grabbed the popcorn and dodged him again and sat down on the couch beside Faye and hid my face in her hair.

"Your hair smells nice" I mumbled and she laughed, I looked up and saw Ash right beside me which made me jump because I thought he went back into the kitchen.

The film ended and I was quite glad because it was a depressing film and I didn't feel like being put into a sad mood because I have had quite an exciting day.

"So, Rose how did you and Calum meet?" I asked her, "Well, I was at work at the cafe down the street and Calum here, walked in and I guess I kind of fell for him after his cheesy pick up lines" she laughed and pecked his lips.

"That's probably the cutest thing I've ever heard" grace laughed. "Your mums reaction to you guys kissing was hilarious!" Luke chuckled, "you kissed?!" Grace almost shouted and I blushed and looked at Ashton who was nodding and smiling.

"How many times?!" She asked, "onc-" I cut Luke off, "3 times, maybe 4?" I blushed and they all seemed to gasp, "I can feel my face burning! Stop staring!" I laughed and put my hands on my blushing cheeks.


My eyes burst open when I heard a loud sneeze, I sat up and recognised Ashton's living room. Rose and Grace were also awake but I don't think that anyone else was, I looked behind me to see Ashton laying on the couch and watched his chest rise and fall slowly, he looked so angelic when he was sleeping.

I smiled at him and tiptoed to the kitchen, I hugged Anne Marie tight and she smiled at me when I pulled away, "I've missed your hugs" she stated and I smiled in response.

"Thank you for getting Ashton back to the way he was" she added and I giggled softly, "its okay" she smiled and I poured a drink of water and quickly drank it all.

"What time is it?" I asked and ran my hand through my pin straight hair. "Its 5:45" I gasped, "what day is it?" I asked again, "wow, you sure like your questions don't you." She laughed, "but its Friday" I gasped and smiled at her.

"I'm leaving for work now so tell Ashton I said goodbye and the kids are at your house I think, I'll see you later sweetie. Have a good day!" She hugged me and kissed my cheek before leaving the house.

She's like a second mother to me, she's so supportive and cares for all of us so well.

"Ariana!" I jumped and spun around quickly and looked straight at Michael, "what are you doing up?" He asked and got a drink, "Well, we have school and someone sneezed" I replied and he laughed, "it was Calum" he replied and I smiled.

"Calum should sneeze quieter" I huffed, "is someone grouchy?" He spoke like I was a baby, I just rolled my eyes and huffed again. "I will literally snap if someone comments on the way I look or anything" I groaned and he giggled.

"Speaking of the way I look I need to get changed" I sighed and pulled my shoes back on, "bye" I whispered and headed out of the door and walked back home.

I unlocked the door and saw my auntie watching the television in her uniform, "hey" I greeted, "hey sweetie, did you have fun at your boyf-" oh my god. "He isn't my boyfriend!" I laughed and ran upstairs.

I switched the shower on and washed my hair and then washed my body and rinsed myself off quickly, I went back to my bedroom and dried my hair and combed it.

I put on some concealer and foundation and a little bit of blusher, I put on some natural coloured eye shadow and drew a black line across my eyelid with black eye liner, I blinked on the mascara brush a few times and put on some pale pink lipstick.

I pulled out some blue denim high waisted jeans and a white halter top, I put on some black matching underwear and pulled my jeans up my legs and pulled my white halter top over my head and tugged it down slightly.

I added some black combat boots and a grey hoody, I sprayed some perfume over me and ran downstairs.

Where did you go? Xxxx

Home, we have school! Xxxx

I know, the others just left and I'm just eating breakfast xxxx

I'm coming over then, I don't want to go to school alone xxxx

"Bye!" I shouted and locked the front door again, I knocked on Ashton's front door a few times until he finally opened it, "Hello bestie!" He shouted, I walked inside and he hugged me tight.

"Im so glad your my best friend, your the best best friend ever!" Okay he's said best friend 3 times so far what's going on?!.

"Umm, Ash are you okay?" I asked and he nodded and we headed to school, he mentioned best friend about 15 times, is there something he's trying to hint at?.

"I'm going to go to the boys for a bit, Faye's over there" he smiled and walked away, I bit my lip and walked over to Faye. "What's going on with Ashton?" I asked her and she bit her lip and looked sympathetic.

"He noticed you had left this morning and told us something.." She ran a hand through her hair and I motioned for her to continue, "He said after the kiss he felt weird and he believes that he doesn't have feelings for you anymore." I nodded and bit my lip.

"Wow.. I didn't know something like that could change so fast." She hugged me tight and dragged me to geography, "I hate geography!" I whined, she laughed and we went inside and got ready for the lesson.

Ashton and Michael walked in and sat across the other side of the classroom, "so what if he doesn't feel like that anymore, it doesn't mean he has to avoid me!" I complained and Faye shushed me and Calum and Luke sat behind us for some reason.

"Why aren't you sitting with them?" I asked and they shrugged and sat down on the classroom chairs, "Baby, your coming on a date with me tonight" Luke chuckled and Faye raised an eyebrow. "Is this date a real date or a movie night and cuddles like you suggested?" She asked.

"Cuddles!" He shouted and kissed her lips quickly, "love you!!" He shouted and earned some stares from random people in the classroom but clearly didn't care about that.

My bestfriend (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now