Chapter 19

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Arianas POV

I walked home with Ashton, Luke and Calum. I hate the fact that Michael lives in the opposite direction, Im pretty sure he will go to one of the boys' house though, he complains about the uniform so much I bet hes glad to get rid of it. 

"Goodbye!" Ash smiled, I nodded and carried on walking, I heard Calum groan from behind me but I kept walking, I need to get home so I can get changed and go and see Sam. Im trying to see him as much as possible incase he leaves me. 

"Anaira!" Calum shouted, I stopped in my tracks and faced him. "Who is Anaira?" I laughed, "Your name.. except its backwards!" he added and I rolled my eyes at him "Shutup Mulac!" I burst into laughter and he laughed at me, "just call me Calum, thats weird" he winked his eye. 

I said goodbye and rushed into my house, closing the door behind me and bolting upstairs to my bedroom, I chucked my bag to the floor and pulled on some black leggings and a black jumper with the nirvana logo on, I pulled on my black combat boots and tied my hair into a ponytail and touching up my makeup slightly. 

I grabbed my phone, purse and keys and ran to the hospital. "Sam Lockheart please?" I panted when I got to the front desk, she smiled at me and lead me to Sams room, he looked restless and I felt like I was the person stopping him from letting go. I dont want him to suffer, if he needs to let go he has to let go. 

"sammy!" I whispered and ran over to the bedside, the steady heartbeat beeps sounding throughout the small hospital room. I sighed when I got closer to him, he has so many cuts into his face and right side. 

"Sammy, I dont want you to suffer okay? If you need to let go, you can let go. I will be upset but I promise I will be okay and I will never forget you. I love you little bro, your my hero." I felt warm tears trickle down my red cheeks. 

His chapped lips formed into a smile which made me smile but cry at the same time, seeing him in so much pain caused me to endlessly cry and feel depressed, I hate how hes suffering. I wish this didnt happen, I wish my mum was still here. I wish I had chance to say goodbye. 

"I love you" I whispered and kept stroking his small soft hand with my thumb, "Your my rock, Your the one that stays strong the most out of all 3 of us, it is okay to feel weak sometimes but I promise your still our rock. I love you Ariana" He smiled and I gasped, I couldnt believe those words had just left his mouth, he didnt sound... hurt?.

"Sammy!" I kept repeating in hushed tones and kept kissing his little hand, "You look tired" he giggled, his little brown eyes met my brown eyes and he reached up to my cheek and wiped my tears, "Im so worried about you, mum has passed and I miss her so much and im scared your going to be taken and Ashton keeps being funny with me" I sighed. 

"If im here or not, your going to be okay, im always going to be in your heart and im always going to protect you" he smiled and I let more tears escape my eyes, he is my inspiration and I love my little brother so much. 

"Guess what happened when I got home the other night" I laughed, his face lit up once I had laughed, "I went into your room and your computer was switched on, guess what happened" I giggled, "I dont know" his sweet laugh filled the room, "You left your skype on and Harrys little face popped up when I clicked on it, I screamed and ducked underneath the table and Harry screamed aswell!" I smiled, I know it isnt very funny but I want to have happy memories with him. 

"HA! serves you right for entering my lair" he laughed, "lair really?" I smirked, "yeah, I have a lair and its mine and I can tell the girlproof lock doesnt quite work" He winked and I smiled at him, "Your a little ball of sunshine, I love you baby bro!" I giggled and hugged him gently trying not to cause him any pain.

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