Chapter 23

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Ashton's POV

Ariana is asleep in my arms and she looks adorable, I wanted to kiss her soft looking lips. I wanted to feel the way they moved together.

"Ashton" she moaned softly, I smirked down at her and tried not to laugh, she was smiling in his sleep and she looked so cute. Her brown eyes fluttered open and a blush took over her face, "shit" she mumbled and I laughed at her.

"Why are you saying that?" I asked and she just smiled at me, my heart skips a beat when she smiles at me or looks at me and I'm glad that I know I'm not confused about my feelings anymore.

I like Ariana, a lot I've had a crush on her for ages and I think I'm falling in love with her. She's looking at me with her beautiful eyes which are full of love and happiness, I want her to be mine.

"Ash" she whispered and sat up in my lap, "Yeah baby" I winked and she shook her head and laughed, "Your really comfortable to sleep on" she burst into laughter and I joined in and began to tickle her, she was in fits of laughter and she looked adorable as usual.

I smiled at her and she smiled back once she had calmed down, I want to tell her how I feel but I'm scared she doesn't feel the same way, I don't want to mess up our friendship but I want her to be my girlfriend.

Ariana's POV

"Why did you date Peyton.. If you didn't like her?" I asked and he sighed and chuckled lowly, "well, she kissed me and I couldn't think straight because that wasnt what I was expecting and then I found myself asking her out and kissing her and I seemed to be under some sort of spell or something and I thought I was in love with her when I wasn't" he sighed and I smiled at him.

I stretched my body out and my damn shirt starting riding up, I pulled it back down and cuddled back into Ashton, "I love cuddles" I giggled and focused on his steady heart beat.

"How long was I asleep?" I mumbled into his shirt, "about an hour." He played with a strand of my hair and found it entertaining for some reason.

"Were you having a good dream?" My eyes widened and I chose to stay silent, "it sure sounded like it to me" I looked up and saw him smirking. Shit.

"Why did you moan my name in your sleep.. Baby" he winked and I bit my lip and cuddled my head into his chest, "its not like I haven't done it" he was blushing and I giggled at him.

Was this really happening? Both of us were fantasizing about each other and moaning each others names in our sleep?! what the fuck?.

"I don't get it.. We don't feel like that about each other?" I looked into his beautiful eyes and he shrugged his shoulders, "let's just move on from that topic" Ash laughed and I nodded in agreement.

"Who does my best friend like?" I began nudging him and giggling. "Someone" he mumbled and blushed, "tell me!" I hit his chest a few times and he laughed, "Sarah.." He mumbled and I gasped and smiled at him.

Oh. "What about you?" He asked, "Nathan from history" I blushed. Nathan is one of the popular people at our school and he's began to speak to me a lot in class, he has blonde hair and blue eyes and tanned skin. He's literally perfection.

"He's a dick" Ash laughed, "I don't care Ash, he's nice to me and I like him" I muttered. "He's a dick! He will hurt you Ariana!" Ash rolled his eyes, I got up off his lap and narrowed my eyes at him. "I've been hurt before Ashton! He won't be anything like Brad, nobody could hurt me like him!".

"Don't be stupid Ariana!" He got up and looked down at me, "I'm not being stupid! I could say the same about Sarah!" I spat and he scoffed, "you know what, fuck this" I spat and walked out of his house and ran back home ignoring the endless times he called my name.

"Ariana, what's wrong sweetie?" My mum asked as I slammed the front door, "nothing." I grumbled and went into the kitchen and sat on the island which was covered in bags of groceries.

"Your crying what's wrong?" She stopped in front of me and I just sighed, "I've had an argument with Ash" I ran my hand through my hair. "Are you dating him yet?" She smirked and I furrowed my eyebrows, "what?!" I coughed.

"Oh, I thought you would have started dating, your inseparable" she laughed and I just nodded in response and sighed.

The doorbell rang and I groaned and went to answer it, I gave a fake smile and slammed it in Ashton's face. I heard his laughter coming from outside and I couldn't help but smirk and giggle.

He started tapping on the window and I burst into laughter and went outside to him, "what!" I laughed, "I'm sorry!" He put his arms around me and I pushed him off, "go and be with Sarah, don't complain to me when she turns bitchy. I hate her!" I spat as he began to walk down the driveway, "how have we lost our fucking friendship in a matter of minutes!" Ashton cried and it did hurt me to see him like that and the fact we had lost our friendship.

He shook his head and jogged back to his house. I sat down on the grass and cried.

"A-Ariana?" A voice called a few minutes later, I looked up and saw Anne Marie crouching in front of me, "Ashton came in crying and said he's had an argument with you, he feels like you have lost your friendship but that's not true is it?" I shrugged my shoulders and wiped my eyes.

"This argument is over something stupid like every other time but we are arguing so much lately" I mumbled and moved my hair out of my face, "mummy! Ashton's throwing things!" Lauren shouted and she gasped, "I'll be back" she smiled and ran back to the house holding Laurens hand.

Ashton please don't smash things.

Why do you care!

To: Ashy
Your my best friend! Of course I'm going to care!

No I'm not! If we we're best friends we wouldn't argue!

You think best friends don't argue?!

Well not constantly!!

I hate this!

I hate you!

I stared at that message for a few minutes and just processed it in my mind, my best friend hates me..

I switched my phone off and put it in my pocket and walked past Ashton's house to go to the corner shop, I bought a drink and thanked the man in the shop. "Slag!" I heard as I past Ashton's house again, I looked up at him and looked back down quickly and shook my head and ran the rest of the way home.

I think I was hearing things because it didn't sound like Ashton except he was in the window, I ended up running past my house and found myself repeatedly knocking on Luke's house.

"Hey Ariana" he smiled and welcomed me inside, "I don't even know why I'm here" I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't, "come here" he held his arms open and I hugged him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Ashton texted me saying you have had an argument, is this why your crying?" I nodded and he lead me into the living room and we sat down on the couch, "I'm glad your here to be honest, my family is out all weekend and Calum is coming and it will be more fun when your here!" Luke laughed and I smiled.

"Ash hates me" I sighed, "no he doesn't" Luke protested, I showed him the message and he sighed, "he's being stupid" I shook my head and sighed. "Everyone else hates me so its not exactly a big thing" I shrugged and he sighed and pulled me in for another hug.

My bestfriend (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now