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Chapter 1

"Just relax, breathe in and out

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"Just relax, breathe in and out." I nodded, my eyes closely shut. I took a few deep breaths and immediately felt that pull. I opened my eyes wide, my vision going red, only one thing running through my mind: kill.

"Mads, breathe!" Scott shouted over me as I growled and pounced on him, going in every direction with my teeth, urging to rip his throat out. "Maddie stop!" Scott yelled, his eyes going a deep mesmerising red as he pushed me off him. I flew threw the air and crashed into the wall, standing right back up and running towards him.

"Maddie!" Scott warned as his face turned and he roared. I could feel myself stepping down, slowly hitting the floor. The red faded away and my normal vision returned. I looked up at Scott, tears in my eyes. "I'm so sorry Scotty." I whispered as he knelt down and wrapped me in his arms.

"It's okay. You'll get the hang of it soon, I promise." Scott said as I smiled. A smirk slowly spread across my face as I pushed him hard, Scott hitting his head on the floor. "Maddie for fuck's sake." He hissed as I stood up, taking a seat in his armchair. "What? You'll heal. You're a true alpha aren't you?"

"That's not funny." Scott replied and stood up feeling his head. "I wasn't trying to be," I yawned and stood up, "anyways, I have to go, I actually have friends that I need to meet up with." Scott glanced up at me, frowning. "I do have friends." He objected as I rolled my eyes nodding. "Stiles doesn't count." I said before sliding out of his room.

I ran downstairs meeting my mom who was in the kitchen. "Hey mom, I'm going out. I'll be back before dinner." Grabbing my leather jacket, I started to look through the drawer that had all the keys in it. "Looking for these?" I turned around and saw my mom dangling the car keys in front of my face, a small frown planted on her.

"What was all that noise upstairs?" She whispered, looking down at the ground. She knew how hard it was for me to regain control after I had lashed out. She tried to help but I didn't want her getting hurt and since Scott was my alpha, what better person to help me than my own brother right?

"I just lost control, it's okay. I came back quicker this time, I really think I'm improving mom." I lied and smiled brightly. She shook her head but gave in and dropped the car keys in my hands before disappearing into the kitchen again. "Thank you!" I called out and turned to walk out of the front door.

"Mads!" Scott shouted from the top of the stairs, running down only to slip on a few. He came tumbling down as I raised my brow at him, stifling a laugh. "You really think you should be seeing your friends right now? It's only been a couple of weeks since the turn. Seeing as your friends are human-" Scott said, emphasising the 'human' part of his great alpha speech.

"Scott. I'm fine. If I feel like I'm going to do something I promise I will call you straight away. I won't hurt them, I promise." I breathed out and looked him straight in the eyes, challenging him. "I think you should stay at home Mads, it's safer." Scott shrugged me off and started to walk back up the stairs.

"Well you think a lot of things Scott." I called back in response and turned to walk out. Something stopped me from walking out and when I looked down I could see a small line of black sand covering the frame. "Are you kidding me! Mountain ash?" I whined and stomped my feet like a child. "I told you!" Scott shouted from upstairs as I groaned and slammed the door.

"You can't control me forever Scott! Soon enough I'll become an alpha and I will murder you in cold blood." I gritted my teeth as I ran upstairs to his room, growling. He looked up from his phone and gave me his look where he acts like he's this big guy who's overly powerful. "Just you wait and see." I threatened and turned to walk to my room when Scott called out.

"I'll believe that when you get your abilities under control. Until then, I'd say keep dreaming. Oh and, Kira, Malia, Ethan and Derek are my friends." I turned to look at him in confusion and burst out laughing. "Derek's twice your age Scott, take a seat." With that, I swivelled around and walked to my room.

"And I'm twice the age of you!"

"You're literally two years older than me Scott." I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand and closed my bedroom door.

Liked by @KiraYukimura and 596 others@MaddieMcCall miss you millions @KiraYukimuraView all comments@KiraYukimura: Love you lil sis 💕@MaddieMcCall: @KiraYukimura 🥺💕

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Liked by @KiraYukimura and 596 others
@MaddieMcCall miss you millions @KiraYukimura
View all comments
@KiraYukimura: Love you lil sis 💕
@MaddieMcCall: @KiraYukimura 🥺💕

@Stiles: mine 👀
@MaddieMcCall: @Stiles your lil sissy forever 😤

@KaydenRay: Gorgeous 😍
@MaddieMcCall: @KaydenRay ily 💘

@ScottMcall: Really?
@MaddieMcCall: @ScottMcall Yes really now go away 🙃

@LydiaMartin: My favourite ❤️
@MaddieMcCall: @LydiaMartin Always ❤️

"Scott! Get off my Instagram page." I simply said, knowing he could hear me with his super hearing. "I'm not even on it." He whispered back. I laughed and rolled my eyes, "yeah, sure you're not. You're definitely not stalking every picture that Kira is in." I laid my head back and closed my eyes, shutting off my senses and only listening to the sounds a normal human being would be able to hear.

The creaking of the floorboards or the squeaking of a bed when you moved. I let go of all worries and just focused on that and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I was in control. In control of my normal life and my supernatural life that I had to keep a secret from all the people I loved. I think I was finally starting to know what control felt like .

A lot to learn |Liam Dunbar|Where stories live. Discover now