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Chapter 15/14 pt. 2

Maddie and Stiles had managed to catch up to the tests of the group

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Maddie and Stiles had managed to catch up to the tests of the group. They had been running around the tunnels for a couple of minutes before Peter swatted his hand out, stopping the rest from running since he was at the front.

Maddie crashed into Malia and stumbled backwards from the force, falling onto Stiles who glared at Maddie. "What?" She asked, drawing out the word so that it came out slower.

"Okay, everyone, stop. We got to figure out where we are, then we got to figure out how to find Scott and Kira." Peter whispered to the group as they looked around seeing nothing but darkness. There was a little slither of a dark yellow glow but it didn't help that well.

"We could-" Malia tried to share an idea but was interrupted by Stiles's phone. "Stiles?" Maddie gritted her teeth. "Hm?" He hummed in response as she rolled her eyes. "Do you want to get that?" She whisper hissed as he realised what Maddie was talking about. "Oh!" He gulped and grabbed his phone from his back jean pocket.

"How do I even have service?" He muttered, looking up at Maddie who shrugged. Like she was supposed to know. Stiles grabbed Maddie and walked to the back, hiding behind a corner as he answered the call, putting it on speaker.

"Hi dad." Stiles muttered into the phone. "Hey Mr Stilinski!" Maddie added whilst Stiles went quiet, trying to think of an excuse for going behind his father's back. "Okay dad, I know you're angry-"

"-Oh I am beyond angry! I've reached a level of fury that you could not possible comprehend!" Sheriff Stilinski hissed through the phone. Maddie gave Stiles a regretful look but he ignored it and tried to resolve the situation.

"Yeah, well, when I get back, you can ground me."

"Ground you? Ground you? I'm going to hobble you! Now, please, tell me you're all right. Tell me that you're safe."

"You want us to lie?" Maddie scoffed, earning a kick from Stiles. "Oh, God. Okay. Tell me, tell me what I can do. How can I help?" Maddie heard the sheriff close a door which was most likely his office door. "I'm gonna go." She mouthed you Stiles who sighed and nodded.

Maddie stalked back out to the group, immediately getting showered in hugs by Liam. She pulled back and smiled, her cheeks turning pink. "What's happening?" Malia asked, referring to Stiles. "Nothing much, just his dad. He'll be here in a minute."

"We can't wait a minute. Every second that goes by your brother and Kira could be dying." Peter said as Maddie glared at him. "You don't think I know that?" She hissed. "Hey, it's okay." Liam gave her another quick hug as Stiles came back.

"What do we do now?" Liam asked as Maddie looked back at Peter who's eyes were widened. "We duck," she said flatly, grabbing Stiles's and Liam's wrists and pulling them down as a berserker's claw came shooting above them.

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