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Chapter 8

Third person

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Third person

Maddie sat with Liam as Coach explained what was happening to the rest of the lacrosse team. They were holding hands tight, and Maddie was so paranoid she kept looking around, listening to anything that made a sharp noise.

The door suddenly burst open and Maddie took her nail to her mouth, biting it whilst looking at the sheriff. "You're all free to go now. If any of you saw anything tonight, please stay for some brief questions."

"Guys, back off. You can get your gear tomorrow. If anyone sees Garrett, you notify the police immediately. Then tell him he's off the damn team." Coach grumbled as the team piled out, except Stiles, Scott, Liam and Maddie. She hopped off the desk and walked out with Scott who immediately got grabbed by their dad.

Maddie remembered her dad, he left so suddenly and the siblings never knew why. A short while ago, agent McCall came back to do some investigation work on Beacon Hills and why there were so many occurring deaths.

"We're okay." Maddie groaned, rolling her eyes at her dad. Yes, he was trying to become better but he could've tried all those years ago. Something was off about him and Maddie didn't want to get close to him again. Scott however, tried to be reasonable and fair. If dad had come back for them, then Scott was atleast going to give him a chance.

"I should've been there, I said I would be at the games." Agent McCall shook his head, ashamed of himself. "Well, this was just a pre-scrimmage. I didn't even tell you about it." Scott said, smiling over at his dad. "Yeah, and thank god for that." Maddie mumbled under her breath, looking around for Liam who was leaning by a locker, talking to Stiles and the sheriff.

"But I promised your mom I would be around so she could pick up some double shifts at the hospital. I should've been there." Agent McCall whispered. "Well you weren't okay? So get over it." Maddie said harshly and walked over to Liam.

"You're here now." Scott said, smiling up at his dad who was shocked by Maddie's words. "Give her some time. She holds grudges." Scott shrugged and Agent McCall just nodded, walking to some investigators.

"Jordan Parrish?" Violet strained, looking at Parrish's badge. "Deputy Parrish." He simply corrected and stopped by sheriff Stilinski. "Sheriff, what is that? Is that the weapon?" Agent McCall asked, walking over to where Maddie was. She groaned and snuggled her face in Liam's chest so she wouldn't have to look at her dad.

Liam wrapped his arms around her as they rocked back and forth. "Yeah. It's a thermo-cut wire." Sheriff Stilinski replied and held it out for Agent McCall to inspect. "Parrish, hold up." He called out and jogged over to them.

"Where's Kira?" Scott nudged Maddie as she shrugged, yawning. "She took off. Stiles told her about Lydia cracking the second part of the dead pool." Liam answered which interested Maddie massively. "The second part of the dead pool has been cracked?" She asked and Scott and Liam nodded at her. "Why does no one tell me this stuff?" She whined and snuggled back into Liam's shirt.

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